03/04/2025 05:59:25 pm

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All in the Sarah Palin Family Brawl

Sarah Palin and family took their reputation for political fighting to a whole 'nother level last weekend with a good ole fashioned drunken Anchorage party brawl, according to multiple reports.

The brawl happened around 11 p.m. Saturday at the Oceanview neighborhood of Anchorage. About 20 people were involved along with at least five members of the Palin household, including matriarch, and former veep candidate, Sarah and husband Todd.

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When it was over, Track Palin was shirtless on the street shooting the bird at people, Todd Palin had a bloody nose and Sarah Palin was shouting "do you know who I am" at people, bloggers said. A party guest yelled back at the Palins that this wasn't a "damned hillbilly reality show," bloggers said.

The fight was described as a full-out football scrum. Police said alcohol was a factor in the evening's festivities. However, nobody was arrested because nobody wanted to press charges, police said.

The battling' Palins went reality TV-worthy at a birthday party for a top snowmobile racer. The thrilla in Anchorage began soon after the Palin clan rolled into the party on the wheels of a stretch Hummer. Track Palin, elder son of the former vice presidential candidate, reportedly jumped out of the vehicle when he spotted sister Willow Palin's ex-boyfriend.

Before it all was over, Bristol Palin reportedly rained down blows at the party host who wanted to pick up sister Willow. Track Plain had his shirt ripped to threads. Todd Palin, the mister mister of the Palin clan, issued threats and cursed and all heck broke loose.

A variety of bloggers and witnesses painted an interesting portrait of the night's pugalistics. Alaska-based blogging queen Amanda Coyne said the Palins clearly initiated the festivities. She said Bristol Palin got in a series of "strong right hooks" while Track ran around bloody and shirtless.

For her part, Sarah Palin posted on her Facebook page that the Palin family had been "traveling" on Saturday, a post at odds with dozens of witnesses the police and numerous bloggers.

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