03/10/2025 12:12:43 am

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Chinese Media Take Shot at Rex Tillerson over South China Sea Comments

Chinese Media Blasts  Rex Tillerson.

(Photo : Getty Images) Chinese state media on Friday criticized Rex Tillerson for his unreasonable statement on South China Sea, warning that only war can stop China from entering the artificial islands and reefs.

Chinese state media on Friday lambasted Rex Tillerson for his aggressive comments on South China Sea, warning that nothing short of full-scale war can stop China from entering the artificial islands and reefs.

In a stinging editorial published in state-owned China Daily, Tillerson's views on South China Sea were described as "naive" and claimed that it would be disastrous if his views are indeed implemented.

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"Such remarks are not worth taking seriously because they are a mish-mash of naivety, short-sightedness, worn-out prejudices, and unrealistic political fantasies. Should he act on them in the real world, it would be disastrous," the editorial said.

The editorial claimed that Chinese leadership has enough strength to ensure that the US' jingoism and chauvinism does not succeed. It then went a step further by openly challenging that only when Washington starts a full-scale war can it possibly stop China from entering the artificial islands in South China Sea. 

Meanwhile, another critical editorial in The Global Times - mouthorgan of China's communist party - dashed out a similar warning against the US. It said that "war" is the only option through which US can bar China's entry in the artificial islands and reefs.  

Rex Tillerson Rakes up Controversy during Confirmation Hearing

At his confirmation hearing in senate on Wednesday, Tillerson fired afresh against China. Tillerson, who is a nominee for Secretary of State, said that China needs to end its artificial island building in the disputed South China Sea.

He then compared China's artificial island building with Russia's forceful conquest of Crimea, adding that Beijing's access to the island "is not going to be allowed."     

Tillerson's aggressive stance is seen as the latest in Donald Trump's anti-Chinese tirade, which became effective immediately after he won the US presidential election last year.

However, Trump's aggression against China does not look unreasonable, especially considering that he had fired a series of tirade against China during his highly volatile election campaign.         

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