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China, Iran Conduct Military Drills After Trump's Sanctions

China and Iran

(Photo : Getty Images) China and Iran conducted several military exercises after US President Donald Trump imposed sanctions to 25 groups and people after Iran carried out a ballistic missile test.

China and Iran repelled on US President Donald Trump's tough talks and conducted provocative military drills instead. The move came after the chief executive imposed US sanctions against Iran, of which China formally complained against as it will severely affect Chinese businesses.

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Iran carried out military exercises and launched new arms including a guided missile, a grenade launcher, a rifle, and a pistol. According to Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehgan, Iran's defense minister, the new weapons will enhance its military's capabilities on individual combat and air defense, the Tasnim News Agency reported.

China also showcased a highly accurate ballistic missile that could threaten the US and Japan's bases following Trump's Twitter tirade on Beijing's South China Sea expansion. During the recent Rocket Force drills, the mainland featured the medium-range DF-16 in a video published in the official website of the Defense Ministry.

For a quick lowdown, the DF-16 portrays a particular role in extending the country's reach over waters, the Fox News reported. It is suggested that it boasts a range of 620 miles, making Okinawa, the Japanese home islands, Taiwan, and the Philippines within striking distance.

Meanwhile, Iran warned the US on Saturday about carrying out hostile actions.

"If the enemy makes a mistake, our roaring missiles will hit their targets," Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Aerospace Force, said, stressing that its missiles will target the US 5th Fleet in Bahrain, the US installations in the Indian Ocean, and Israel's Tel Aviv, according to USA Today.

"These points are all within the range of Iran's missile systems, and they will be razed to the ground if the enemy makes a mistake," Mojtaba Zonour, a member of the Iran's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission.

The threats came after US imposed sanctions against 25 groups and people on Friday after Iran conducted a ballistic missile test on Jan. 29 that violated a United Nations Security Council resolution that restricts launching missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

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