03/09/2025 07:15:40 pm

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Taipei 101 Skyscraper Attracts More Than One Million Mainlanders Annually

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(Photo : Taipei 101 Skyscraper)

Taipei 101 skyscraper is the No.1 landmark skyscraper located in Taiwan. As the first building to break the half-kilometer mark in height, Taipei 101 has attracted millions of tourists from all over the world to visit the celebrated sight. This year will be the 10th anniversary for Taipei 101 skyscraper.

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According to Liu Jiahao, spokesman of Taipei 101 skyscraper, every year, the observatory of Taipei 101 skyscraper receives more than one million mainlanders, while these mainlanders spend up to 2.3 billion New Taiwan Dollars in the shopping center on the top of Taipei 101 skyscraper.

Liu Jiahao told our journalists when being interviewed on 6th, the number of mainlanders visiting Taipei 101 skyscraper has started boosting since 2008. What's more, the proportion of mainland visitors has increased remarkably. It is estimated the observatory of Taipei 101 skyscraper receives around 6000 to 7000 visitors every day, 55% of which come from Mainland China.

Liu Jiahao said, statistics from the shopping center of Taipei 101 skyscraper show that the sum of tax refunds in 2009 for mainlanders has boosting 665% comparing to the previous year, and the total amount keeps increasing by 50% to 60% annually. At present, in the total consumption of shopping center in Taipei 101 skyscraper, tourists contribute 30%, among which, mainlanders account for 70%. According to the sum of tax refunds, from January to August this year, mainland consumers spent 1.7 billion New Taiwan Dollars in shopping in Taipei 101 skyscraper, 2.34 billion New Taiwan Dollars last year, 1.4 billion NTD in 2011, 1.1 billion NTD in 2010 and 0.5 billion NTD in 2009.

So far, after Taiwan opened for mainland investment, there have been more than 13 mainland companies setting up offices in Taipei 101 Skyscraper, including Jingtai Co., Inc., Sinochem Group Taiwan office, Air China Taiwan branch, Bank of Communications Taiwan branch. Liu Jiahao says Taipei 101 Skyscraper welcome more outstanding mainland companies to set up offices in Taiwan. 

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