03/04/2025 08:11:33 am

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Marine Whistle-Blower Reached Settlement With Marine Corps

Franz Gayl

(Photo : FACEBOOK)

The marine whistle-blower who exposed the Marine Corps' disinterest in procuring armored vehicles for its troops in Iraq has finally reached a settlement regarding the dispute on Sept. 25, a federal agency reported Thursday.

Franz Gayl, a retired Marine officer and military scientific adviser, had his pay and security clearance removed after he complained to the Congress that the cops refused to build heavily armored carriers to protect its troops.

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The settlement he reached with the corps stipulated that he will be appointed in a Marine Corps department, which handles mMaring whistleblowers.

In addition, although his security clearance was still not fully reinstated, he will be allowed to continue working for the Marines.

In a statement Gayl released through his lawyer on Sept. 25, it said the settlement not only absolved him, but also proved his "loyalty and dedication to the marines.

His lawyer, Tom Devine, of the Government Accountability Project in Washington, D.C., said members of the corps must have "sound judgement" and integrity in work, qualities that Gayle possesses.

Devine, who has worked with whistle-blowers since 1979, said it was uncommon for a whistle-blower to be appointed in a government department to to create policies, which help whistle-blowers.

The Office of Special Counsel, a federal agency that helps whistle-blowers and intervened when Gayl;s pay was cut off in 2011, has helped with the settlement of the dspute.

According to the counsel's spokesman, Nick Schewellenbach, said the two and a half year mediation regarding Gayl's case was the "most complex undertaking" by the office.

Gayl began pushing for the corps' procurement of Mine Resistant AmbushProtected (MRAP) trucks, when he was deployed in Iraq in 2006 and witnessed the death of some troop members because of bombs blowing up their Humvees.

During the time two-thirds of U.S. troops sent to Iraq were killed because of improvised explosive devices and roadside bombs.

Because of it, Gayl went to the Pentagon to voice his concerns, but was brushed off by his superiors, which brought him to Capitol Hill, where he gained the backing of then Senator Joe Biden and Sen. Kit Bond.

Not long after, Robert Gates, then Defense Secretary, make it a top priority to send MRAP trucks to their troops. 

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