03/12/2025 01:59:17 pm

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Airpocalypse in China Linked to 1.2 Million Premature Deaths, Fourth-Leading Contributor to Death In China

The airpocalypse in China has linked to the death of 1.2 million since 2010, according to a new study.

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The study published in U.K's based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 states 3.2 million deaths around the world were related to pollution, more than 1.2 million of the deaths were in China.

The specific data of Chinese statistics were presented by researchers at a forum in Beijing on Sunday. The authors of study from world Health Organization and several universities said the air pollution in China cut "25 million healthy years" from the Chinese population in 2010.

"Ambient particulate matter pollution" is the fourth-leading contributor to deaths in China, ranking seventh worldwide, behind smoking, high blood pressure and dietary problesm.

"We have been rolling out the India- and China-specific numbers, as they speak more directly to national leaders than regional numbers," said Robert O'Keefe, the vice president of the Health Effects Institute. The institute, which is partially backed by the U.S. government, is promoting the study.

The Financial Times reported because of air pollution it is forcing many expatriates out of Beijing and other Chinese cities.

"We're anticipating this summer will be a very big season [of moves out of Beijing] for us," Chad Forrest, the northern China general manager for Santa Fe Relocations.

It's been difficult for companies to hire international workers due to the pollution.

"It seems a lot of people, particularly families with small children who have been here a few years, are reconsidering the cost-benefit equation and deciding to leave for health reasons," Forrest said.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said last month that "urban air pollution" can soon become the top environmental cause of mortality. It predicts for air pollution to overtake water sanitation by the year 2050.

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