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Heart-wrenching story of a H7N9 patient

Wu and his wife married.

Wu and his wife married.

Wu's father and his two-year son
Wu's father and his two-year son
His wife was honoring him in front of his tomb.
His wife was honoring him in front of his tomb.

Wu Liangliang, who was 27, died of the H7N9 virus. 27th, February he felt he got a cold, 10th March he passed away. During 12 days, he suffered a lot and fought toughly with the virus.

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"I didn't meet you in dream, otherwise I'll tell you that a monster killed you." His wife said with sorrow in front of his tomb.

Around his tomb is a farming field, a pair of shoes of his son was put aside. Reletives said that symbolized that his two-year-old son would walk along with him in the last journey.

In January, he decied to go to Shanghai to help out managing a pork store owned by his father in law.

The work was extremely busy. However, they expected a better life in this metropolis.

27th, Feb., Wu told his wife he got sick. Later on, he found out his temperature soared to 39 centigrade. After a cure from a local clinic, he got better. The next day, surpringly, the highs of his temperature came back. 

2th, March, he went to Fifth People's Hospital in Shanghai and the doctor there diagnosed his sick as pneumonia since there were several white spots on his lungs.

4th, March, Wu started to cough and be troubled with breathing problems. Then, he was transfered to respiration system for an accurate diagonosis.

His family didn't know what was going on. They thought somethings went bad superstitiously. 

During the days in hospital, Wu couldn't eat and sleep well at all.

5th, March, Wu coughed thourghout the whole night. 6th, March, his situation got terribly worsened. The doctor told his wife to be prepared in case of his death.

He wrote on a piece of paper what he felt like. It said "I am nearly dead." He asked that if his parents came. His wife said yes. He asked if his son came or not. She said he didn't come in the favor of his safty. When asked if he wanted to see him again, he said no.

7th, March, 40 reletives came to visit him. At that day, he was transfered to ICU. His throat was cut openly to allow a tube to carry oxygen. His arms were fixed firmly in case he removed the devices when he couldn't bear the pain. Eventually, he died in a huge pain both phisically and spiritually.   

Wu is not outspoken, but he sometimes dances with his little son happily along with some rhythmic pop music. They are happy when being together. 

His wife was wondering why he got such a sick. Wu didn't even touch the smoking and had been healthy all the time.

His family argued with the hospital over this case. They thought there must be some wrong diagonsis until the news about the H7N9 came out in public. 

They thought the puzzle of his sick was so confusing. They just run a pork store, how came Wu got a H7N9. 

However, an elder was allegedly in the same care unit with Wu when he was regarded as a pneumonia patient and transfered to a different care unit.

The pork store was closed since many reporters rushed in there to explore more details. The reletives of Wu were suggested to eat garlics in case they may get infected by the same virus.

H7N9 definitely changed Wu's family. A long time after his death his mother and wife couldn't help themselves from the deep sorrow.

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