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Exposure to Cold Temperatures Can Lead to Weight Loss

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(Photo : Wikipedia) Cold temperatures can aid in weight loss by turning bad fat into good fat.

Ice packs could be the key to burning fat, especially in flabby parts of the body, said a new study.

Ice packs are known to relieve muscle pain and inflammation but can apparently also aid in weight loss.

This new study also demonstrates that cold temperatures can effectively convert white fat tissues located around the belly area and thigh area into "beige fat." Beige fat can burn more calories instead of converting them into more fat tissue.

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The body currently stores two kinds of fat tissue, brown fat and white fat. Brown fat's main role is to burn glucose into energy to generate body heat. Commonly known as "good fat", brown fat aids in burning calories.

On the other hand, white fat is commonly stored in the thigh and stomach area and serves as an energy reserve.

Scientists recently conducted a study that showed when white fat is exposed to colder temperatures, it resembles the qualities of brown fat and transforms into beige fat.

Scientists are eager to find out if adults have the capability to transform white fat reserves into beige fat when exposed to extreme cold temperatures, says Philip Kern from the University of Kentucky's School of Medicine in Lexington.

This effect can be pivotal in combating early warning signs of obesity and unnecessary weight gain.

The study involved taking some white fat tissue, specifically from the belly region from 55 people during the winter season to prove browning occurs more often as opposed to fat tissue samples taken during the summer.

This study concludes people crave and consume more fatty types of food during the winter months to maintain body heat.

Unfortunately, obese people can no longer convert their white fat into beige fat like other people. Kern adds that inflamed white fat found in obese people can obstruct the transformation of white fat into beige fat.

This study was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

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