02/23/2025 04:44:13 am

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Google X's Pill Can Track Cancerous Cells

Google said it's working on a cancer-detecting pill, the latest life sciences innovation from the Google X facility.

Molecular biologist Andrew Conrad, Google's head of life sciences, said the company's developing an early disease detection system with nanotechnology at the Wall Street Journal Digital conference on Tuesday.

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Google X lab's new initiative tracks and diagnoses malignant cells and other signs of caneer in the earliest stage.

According to Conrad, the Google X's Life Sciences team is trying to "change medicine from reactive and transactional to proactive and preventative."

"We are trying to provide the tools to make that feasible. Nanoparticles ... give you the ability to explore the body at a molecular and cellular level." Conrad explained.

The pill is packed with tiny magnetic particles or nanoparticles that travel through a patient's bloodstream and bind to certain types of cells to mark diseases. It searches for malignant cells and reports the findings to a sensor on a wearable device, ABC News reported.

Data from the sensor can be stored on the Internet before it can be interpreted by a doctor. The tech giant confirmed it has no interest in using the information for commercial purposes.

The goal of the latest effort from Google's X lab is to monitor the patient's health in real-time so as to spot a potential illness like cancer at the early stages.

"We want to make it simple and automatic and not invasive. Google is finding ways to proactively examine health and prevent diseases, and not wait to diagnose problems," Conrad said.

The idea of the latest biotechnology initiative was inspired by Google software engineer, Tom Stanis, who is also part of the team working on X's nanoparticle technology.

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