03/05/2025 10:42:14 pm

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May the Fourth be With You: Fans Worldwide Unite to Celebrate the Force of Star Wars

Anyone following Google Trends and hot keywords may have noticed a sudden influx in Star Wars searches yesterday. That's because it was International Star Wars Day.  May 4th, the date chosen by fans of the eponymous space opera for sounding like the popular line "may the force be with you", was a day of celebration for fans everywhere.

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Fans around the world, and the Internet, had been looking forward to this day for weeks, months even, as evidenced by the sheer number of Star Wars related activities over a 24 hour period yesterday.

A church in Vancouver replaced their solemn hymns with the rousing John Williams-composed score of the films for their Sunday service; Reverend Kathryn Ransdell replaced her traditional ceremonial garb with a Princess Leia outfit, and several churchgoers dressed accordingly as Jedis, Sith Lords and even an Ewok and a Yoda. The service drew parallels between the battle of good and evil of the Bible and that of a galaxy far, far away and used the multi-platform franchise as an allegory for faith.

Denver International Airport also celebrated by arranging a mock invasion by Darth Vader and a squad of Stormtroopers. DIA Director of Media Relations Heath Montgomery intended the event to "give DIA some personality and have some fun on social media." The stunt appears to have worked, with bystanders taking photos and video of the remarkably accurate costume display, with the 501st mountain garrison, a volunteer group that specialize in costumed reenactments, behind the masks.

In Boston's Franklin Park Zoo, characters from the films roamed around with additional guests of the public invited to come dressed as their favorite Hutts, Wookies and bounty hunters, all taking part in scavenger hunts and other activities.

Celebrations weren't limited to the series' native North America either. Fans gathered in the hundreds in front of the Colisseum in Rome on the day in question, many dressed in the appropriate costumes.

Likewise, retailers everywhere selling Star Wars related paraphernalia offered limited time-offer deals, from Amazon UK slashing the price of the complete bluray box set by 20% to LEGO stores offering free LEGO Star Wars posters.

The history of the pun dates back to May 4, 1979, when Margaret Thatcher found herself elected Prime Minister of the UK, and an ad in the London Evening News congratulated her "May the Fourth be with you, Maggie".

But it wouldn't be until the advent of the Internet and a certain Toronto Underground Cinema, that the term was widely popularized. It was the Canadians who first put together an organized celebration on the date in question in 2011, complete with a costume contest and film festival, and the festivities would continue every year since.

Today is also known as Revenge of the Fifth, a play on the title Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, an "After Star Wars Day" intended to celebrate all things Sith and the Dark Side of the Force.

The first film created by George Lucas, Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, premiered in 1977 and became a world-wide phenomenon, with the original trilogy 1977-1983 becoming some of the top grossing films of all time, and the second film, Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, singled out as a fan favorite.

The films were then followed by a hugely successful prequel trilogy in 1999-2005 that, although not well-received critically, was embraced by fans with the same fervor as the rest of the so called Expanded Universe.

Another trilogy of films under the direction of J.J. Abrams (Star Trek, Super 8, Lost) is currently underway with filming of the first installment, Star Wars: Episode VII, scheduled this month and set for release in 2015.

The new film's cast includes John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Adam Driver, Max Von Sydow as well as Star Wars veterans Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker.

Exactly how big of a part the original cast will have in the new film is unclear.  The only official statement is that it takes place roughly 30 years after the rebels' crushing victory over the Empire in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.

Another animated TV series, Star Wars Rebels, is set to begin airing later this year and is set to take place in the interval between Episodes III and IV.

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