03/31/2025 06:32:05 pm

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Jonathan Gruber Is No ObamaCare Architect, Nancy Pelosi Says

Jonathan Gruber

(Photo : Reuters) The architect behind ObamaCare, Jonathan Gruber, calls Americans stupid in another video.

Jonathan Gruber is no ObamaCare architect, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said after his controversial "stupid Americans" tapes surfaced.

In the said tapes, ObamaCare proponent Jonathan Gruber is seen talking about how the law was written to take advantage of the stupidity of the American voter. However, Pelosi said she did not know who Gruber is, an exclusive report by Fox News detailed.

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In an ironic twist, Pelosi's office cited Gruber's analysis of the law as early as 2009. She tried to disregard Gruber in a press conference Thursday, claiming he played no role in writing the law.

Back in 2009, Pelosi's ffice released a "health insurance reform mythbuster" press statement which cited the work of "MIT health care economist Jonathan Gruber" in explaining the impact of the then-House bill premiums.

The statement noted Gruber's analysis that passing the ObamaCare "would result in lower premiums than under current law for the millions of Americans using the newly-established Health Insurance Exchange."

Pelosi's office, however, denied the press release Thursday. Her aides denied her knowing him, explaining the the lawmaker actually did not personally know a single person cited on the press release.

Drew Hammill, Pelosi's spokesperson, also disregarded Gruber, saying he was technically not a bill author. Gruber did not have a role in drafting the healthcare policy, Hammill continued.

Democrats have been distancing themselves from Gruber after a series of recordings, taped in 2012 and 2013 came out, where he was shown saying something against American voters. The latest recording showed him speaking at the University of Rhode Island in 2012 about the law's so-called "Cadillac tax."

Gruber mentioned that insurance companies are mandated to be taxed, instead of taxing the policy holders.

He believed that taxing individuals could be "politically impossible," however, levying tax on insurance companies could be plausible because Americans have no idea about the difference. In fact, these insurance companies would actually pass on the tax on their premium holders because it would yield the same thing, he said.

Then, there's another video showing him discuss the same topic. It was recorded around October 2013 event at Washington University in St. Louis.

"They proposed it and that passed, because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference," he said.

 He also criticized the lack of transparency, which helped the law pass.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest immediately reacted to Jonathan Gruber's comments, saying the bill was written in a transparent and honest way. He accused Republicans of being the ones who were not transparent on their plans of replacing ObamaCare.

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