03/09/2025 10:59:05 am

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Juvenile Crime Records Asked To Be Sealed By Judicial Experts

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Judicial professionals and prosecutors in Beijing proposed to the authorities to hasten the sealing of the criminal records of young offenders to let them have a greater chance to live a successful life.

Based on the revised Criminal Procedure Law, which became effective in January 2013, the criminal records of those under the age of 18 and had sentences under five years must be sealed to guard them in their future endeavors and assist them to have more positive lives.

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Beijing's leading procuratorate has persuaded other institutions, like the courts as well as the human resource authorities, to prioritize the procedure.

However, Director Yue Huiquing of the procuratorate's juvenile crime department said that the files of the young offenders are still exposed.

The director also stated the any criminal record can be a big hindrance to any career and educational prospects in China, especially since most examinations and job requirements will need a certificate that will declare that the applicant is not convicted of any crimes.

Also, Yue said that the authorities responsible for registering household in public security offices supply the certificates, yet they have not reached any kind of agreement with his department about the sealing of the records until now.

Yue mentioned a case wherein a young man was barred by the customs officers when he was trying to go abroad because his criminal records were seen in the police database.

Aside from the education and travel problems, those who have criminal records will not be able to apply for the civil service examinations in the country or join the Chinese military, which means that the young people are not totally protected under the Chinese law.

The procuratorate's juvenile crime department outlined detail procedures about the sealing of the criminal files of the young people, with the hopes that the law enforcement authorities will implement it soon.

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