03/09/2025 11:44:10 am

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Only 5 Northern White Rhinos Left Alive due to Chinese Greed for Rhino Horns

Northern White Rhino

(Photo : REUTERS) A northern white rhinoceros named Angalifu that has since died is seen at the San Diego Zoo.

San Diego Zoo officials announced Monday the death of a male northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) named Angalifu.

The 44-year-old animal was being treated for geriatric conditions prior to its death. Officials said the fate of this white rhino reflects on the cruel situation of the animal in the wild.

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Angalifu was one of only six remaining northern white rhinoceros on Earth. His passing means his species is nearing extinction.

"Angalifu's death is a tremendous loss to all of us," said Randy Rieches, curator of mammals at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. "Not only because he was well beloved here at the Park but also because his death brings this wonderful species one step closer to extinction."

Truth is, the northern white rhinoceros' population is drastically dwindled due to poaching in Africa. There were over 2,000 northern white rhinos in 1960. By 1984, the numbers dwindled to 15.

China and its demand for rhino horns is the main cause for the near extinction of this animal. White rhinos are favorites of hunters because their can sell its horns to Chinese for thousands of dollars.

Experts describe the trade as more profitable than illegal drugs. Rhino horns are always in demand in China because Chinese buyers foolishly believe it can cure a lot of ailments.

Zoos have fought to preserve the few, remaining northern white rhinoceros. Unfortunately, the remaining rhinos are not reproducing.

There were attempts to mate two northern whites at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park but this wasn't successful.

Some of Angalifu's semen and testicular tissue were preserved in the hope new reproductive methods could still pave way for the recovery of the species.

There are only five known northern white rhinoceros alive. It includes an elderly female named Nola under the care of the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

There is a 31-year-old female named Nabire at the Dvur Kralove Zoo in Czech Republic. Three others lives in a wildlife conservancy in Africa.

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