03/04/2025 12:05:11 pm

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China Not impressed With 'The Interview,' Criticizes The Movie For Making Fun Of Kim

It's clear who China sides with on the controversial Sony Pictures hack and The Interview.

In an editorial in The Global Times, the state-run daily, it is apparent that the Communist Party throws its support to North Korea and even criticized The Interview as a film that seemingly "shows lack of taste."

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"Any civilized world will oppose hacker attacks or terror threats. But a movie like The Interview, which makes fun of the leader of an enemy of the US, is nothing to be proud of for Hollywood and US society," the editorial goes," a reaction to the movie's storyline which saw the lead character succeed in killing the Korean President.

The editorial further argued: "The US society stands on the upper stream of global competition of culture. It needs to show some good manners instead of being too aggressive. The American elites should not just speak like gentlemen, but behave like them," a reaction to the determined efforts of the United States to fight terrorism and uphold values, while themselves behaving aggressively, as the editorial pointed out.

The editorial, however, does not write anything about North Korea's alleged involvement in the hacking, as accused by the U.S., although it's definitely not a surprise if China sides with North Korea, without the lukewarm relationship between the world's two biggest economies.

North Korea has definitely forged a strong alliance with China and North Korea has benefited from its ties with the world's No. 2 economy, The Verge noted. North Korea's dependence on China has kept it afloat through the years of being cut off from the rest of the world. In return, China has built on its influence on North Korea.

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