03/04/2025 08:15:44 pm

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Adult Breastfeeding Sex Ring Busted in China


(Photo : Reuters) Police in China have busted the "Wet Nurse Forum," an online fetish forum that provided breastfeeding among adults, as well as prostitution and pornographic movies.

Police in China have busted an online fetish forum that provided breastfeeding among adults, as well as prostitution, according to the state Ministry of Public Security

Fifteen members of what is known as the "Wet Nurse Forum," have been arrested by police for participating in a front for a prostitution ring that served more than 200 members with breastfeeding, sex and pornographic movies. The group had been around since 2013.

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Police began their investigation into the sex ring back in June after reports of the bizarre practice came out of Chinese media reports. As a result of the investigation, which lasted until September, police apprehended the 15 suspects in Beijing and in the provinces of Hebei, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guangdong, the ministry said. Three of the 15 have already been prosecuted.

According to Chinese media reports, customers of the Wet Nurse Forum would pay between 300 ($48) and 1,680 yuan ($270) to become a forum member and another 10,000 yuan ($1,600) as commission fees for the services.

The forum boasted that it had a large pool of breastfeeding young mothers for forum members to choose from. Members were required to share their experiences with wet nurses, and some of them posted pictures of naked women and rumpled bed sheets, suggesting  that nurses had been involved in paid sex, reports China state news agency Xinhua.

A Beijing police officer told The Beijing News that while there were no existing laws in China against breastfeeding adults, those who paid for sex had broken the law.

A reporter for The Beijing News  arranged to be breastfed for 1,000 yuan by a 23-year-old mother, who also offered to have sex with him for another 1,500 yuan, the newspaper reported.

The woman said only those who offered sexual services in addition to breastfeeding were assured regular work. She also said that one website offered customers a monthly service that charged 40,000 yuan ($6,400) for breastfeeding, and 50,000 yuan ($8,000) for breastfeeding and sex.

According to the report, some mothers in the ring only breastfed their babies once a day or even stopped breastfeeding completely so that they could provide breast milk for their client.

Last year, Agence France Presse, reported that a new luxury for China's elite rich was human breast milk, which in some regions is believed to have healing properties. AFP reported that some companies were offering a human breast milk service for adults as well as children.

"Adult (clients) can drink it directly through breastfeeding, or they can always drink it from a breast pump if they feel embarrassed," said Lin Jun, owner of Xinxinyu, a domestic services company that provided the service.

Sexual arousal by breast feeding is known as "lactophilia," and is sometimes also called "milk fetishism." Wet nurses that serve adults are paid $2,600,  which is nearly four times the monthly average.

Xinhua reports that Chinese police arrested 87,000 people this year for their alleged involvement in prostitution and gambling.

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