03/09/2025 10:31:29 am

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Thousands of Seabirds Die Mysteriously in the U.S.

Cassin’s auklet

(Photo : Wikipedia) Hundreds of Cassin’s auklets were found dead along the Pacific coast in the U.S. this winter.

Scientists are still baffled as to why hundreds of seabirds have been found dead along the Pacific Coast in the U.S. since October.

These seabirds, called Cassin's auklets, are white bellied grey birds that have been mysteriously dying around British Columbia and San Luis Obispo, California.

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Seabirds are usually affected by huge snow storms and harsh winter conditions. This current die-off is rather unusual, however.

Researchers from the University of Washington's Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team, have seen more than 1,200 dead seabirds washed up ashore since fall started.

Executive Director Julia Parrish, a professor of marine sciences from the University of Washington, believes this is still a small fraction of the total of dead birds found and there could apparently be tens of thousands more.

The birds were found to have died from starvation. An oil spill or a toxin from food apparently didn't cause this sudden mysterious die-off, said Lindsay Adrean, a wildlife biologist from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Scientists and experts believe this bizarre phenomenon is a consequence of an unusually successful breeding season last year that originated in British Columbia. Almost every pair of birds actually laid an egg. The young birds flew south for the winter but unfortunately didn't find enough food such as the small fish and shrimp they usually feed upon.

Another factor would be the Pacific Ocean has warmer temperatures this winter, up by about a few degrees, that made dramatic changes to marine life. This warmer temperature ultimately affected the birds' food chain, making it difficult for young birds to find enough food for the winter.

According to Parrish, if this is the case, then all birds not only the auklets would have been affected. That's why this die-off case is still a mystery.

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