03/10/2025 03:48:08 am

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Rise in Mercury Levels Endanger Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin Tuna

(Photo : School of Yellowfin Tuna

Climate change is considered one of the main reasons why some parts of Antarctica are slowly melting three times faster than normal.

The situation is too alarming as the effects are spreading too fast and are increasingly endangering marine life. A rise in mercury levels linked to climate change is imperiling open-ocean fish like tuna.

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University of Michigan researchers found that mercury levels in Hawaiian yellowfin tuna (used for rolls and sashimi) are increasing by 3.8 percent almost every year. This is the first time these suspicions were confirmed as mercury levels in ocean are consistently rising.

Researchers looked through the records of yellowfin tuna dating back to 1997, 1998 and 2008 and analyzed the mercury levels from the muscle tissue of the fish. Using a computer model, they analyzed 229 fish for body size.

They found that mercury concentrations from 1978 and 1998 didn't change at all. Data from 2008 showed a change that was higher sharply than the previous year.

"Mercury levels are increasing globally in ocean water, and our study is the first to show a consequent increase in mercury in an open-water fish," said lead author Paul Drevnick, an assistant research scientist at the university's School of Natural Resources and Environment.

"More stringent policies are needed to reduce releases of mercury into the atmosphere. If current deposition rates are maintained, North Pacific waters will double in mercury by 2050," he added.

This may come as bad news for people who eat the fish. But the sad truth is that an increase in mercury levels is dangerous because mercury affects the human immune system, brain, heart, lungs, kidney and many more. More mercury is also dangerous to pregnant women, kids and those with heart disease.

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