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Scientists Create Tofu made from Mealworms


(Photo : Reuters) Mealworm tofu is more protein-rich than eggs.

10,000. That's how many mealworms are needed to make a pound of tofu.

Students from Cornell University call the mealworm tofu "C-fu", and it's said to be a rich source of protein and tastier than ordinary tofu.

C-fu was primarily created to help feed the world's growing population, which is expected to reach nine billion by 2050. Scientists say the world's agricultural output needs to increase by 70 percent to feed everyone in 2050.

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Students from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York and the Schulich School of Business, developed a technique that separates the protein from worms and restructure it to make much more delectable C-fu cubes. This was part of their entry to the 'Thought for Food Challenge.'

It takes 10,000 mealworms to make a pound of C-fu.  But the students say C-fu even contains more protein than tofu and egg. C-fu also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which lower the risk of heart disease, making it a perfect alternative to meat.

Officials say farming insects is more environment friendly than raising cows. About two billion people eat insects as a regular part of their diet.

In Thailand, there are 20,000 small scale insect farms producing over 7,000 tons of grasshoppers, crickets and other kinds of edible insects a year.

Insects are known to be nutritious as they are high in fatty acids, calcium, zinc, iron and B12.  A gram of crickets, for example, contains protein equal to the level of protein found in beef and has 60 percent less fat.

The students say the development of C-fu will help alleviate global hunger and nutrition deficiencies.  At the same time, it will provide livelihood for microfarmers.

Since September 2014, students from over 300 universities have been competing to find ways to alleviate poverty and world hunger.

The students hope insect-based food will be widely accepted by consumers. Recipes using mealworm tofu, such as burgers and empanadas, are already be found on the internet.

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