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Better Than Higgs Boson: Scientists to Hunt for Supersymmetric Particle in LHC

Large Hadron Collider

(Photo : Reuters) Scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider recently announced that the LHC detected a rare particle decay which is pretty impossible to detect otherwise.

A senior researcher at the Large Hadron Collider revealed that a new particle can be detected this year and its discovery is more anticipated that the Higgs boson.

The accelerator resumes operations in March after an upgrade that will give it a new energy boost.

This new upgrade will force a supersymmetric particle to appear inside the particle accelerator along with the gluino particle. When detected, these particles will give scientists direct evidence about dark matter. These particles can also explain the dark, invisible forces working in the universe.

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The particle could be revealed early this year, probably during summer, according to Beate Heinemann from the University of California, Berkeley, who also works at the Atlas experiment, one of the big particle detectors at LHC.

When this particle is identified, it will be like finding another world. It could be as big an event as the discovery of antimatter that was found at the beginning of the last century. Hopefully, the discovery of supersymmetric matter will follow.

Supersymmetry is the newest addition to the Standard Model that helps explain nature's fundamental particles and their interactions with each other and the environment. This concept in particle physics, also called SUSY, can explain some gaps in the model and is a basis for uniting nature's forces.

SUSY predicts that all particles are accompanied by larger force that work in partnership with them. Photons from light probably have a particle partner called photinos and quarks, which are building blocks of protons and neutrons, have squarks.

During the last experiments of the LHC pre-energy upgrade stage, there was no sign of the superparticles seen in the debris. When the accelerator will reopen next month, scientists anticipate that evidence of SUSY can be revealed.

The accelerator will now possess double the energy used for colliding particles. Theorists expect the presence of the gluino to manifest with enough numbers to be considered as evidence.

The gluino particle is the superpartner of the gluon, which holds the quarks inside protons and neutrons.

From the decay, the lightest and most stable particle called the neutralino is also expected to emerge. Scientists believe the neutralino to be the building blocks of dark matter that binds the cosmos together.

Physicists believe this is more exciting than the Higgs boson particle. Scientists also believe the LHC will produce the first superparticle that can reveal more particles that make-up dark matter.

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