03/06/2025 09:31:36 pm

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A British Family: One farther, seven wives and 18 children

Polygamy is illegal in the United Kingdom, but it has not stopped Phillip Sharp, 53 to pursue his unusual take on family life: having seven wives and 18 children.

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He lives with his five wives (which once had seven) and his 18 children on his East Sussex farm.

Sharp, who is known for his controversial views - among them "all women need a husband", "some gay people have demons in them" and "black people have low self-worth".

A documentary that focuses on the life of his 10-year-old daughter Ellie is screened.

According to the documentary, Ellie even has nicknames for her mothers. Judith, 53, is known as "Everything Mum", while her biological mother Margo, 42, is referred to as "Yard Mum" because she looks after the family's horses.

"Daddy had a vision and God told him to have seven wives," explains fresh-faced Ellie. "I couldn't bear not living with all my mummies."

Although Sharp calls them "wives", he is not technically married to any of the women; however, they have all taken vows and do wear wedding rings.

After Sharp has separated from his legal wife 15 years ago, his unusual family began. He began a relationship with Judith, and shortly after, came his heavenly vision. His harem swiftly expanded to include his former nanny, New Zealander Margo, plus Swiss Vreni, 41, Hannah, 54, Chava, 67, Tracey, 45 and Karyn, 32. Between them, they have 18 children with Sharp, all of whom live according to his often bizarre decisions. "When I was three months old, daddy decided that Judith should look after me instead of Margo," said Ellie.

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