03/12/2025 09:17:27 am

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A University Student Made A Facial Mask With Cucumber to Cool Down iPad


A (China's tweeter) user tweeted a weibo on the Internet, saying "The iPad is such an effeminate baby for it is too cold in winter while too hot in summer, that I even could not charge it, come on and look at this, an iPad facial mask, my roomie came up with this fabulous trick. "

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Miss Cao, this user, is a sophomore student majoring in business management in the management school of Hankou College, she tried various methods to cool down her iPad, and finally this cucumber way worked, the roomie she mentioned in the weibo named Jiang Jie ( alias).

According to Jiang Jie, the iPad couldn't be charged no matter in what way two days ago. "We only know that iPad can not be charged when it is too cold, we didn't expect the same thing happen when it is too hot."

Jiang Jie had tried many ways, like using a fan, a cold towel or even alcohol, but none of them were obviously effective.

She came up this "cucumber facial mask" idea when seeing her roomie made one for facial skin care. She then "dressed" iPad a plastic wrap and put several pieces of cucumber on it, 15 minutes later, it worked, and iPad was shown a charging status. 

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