03/10/2025 01:13:55 am

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Cockroaches Have Individual 'Personalities', Study Shows


(Photo : Reuters/Marianne Hale/San Francisco Zoo) A Madagascar hissing cockroach from the San Francisco Zoo.

Cockroaches may not be anyone's idea of a cute or cuddly creature, but they do have "personalities," or at least individual character traits, researchers in Belgium have discovered.

Universite Libre de Bruxelles scientists tested the behavior of the American cockroach by strapping microchips on at least 300 of these insects and placing them in an arena with bright light.

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Cockroaches have an aversion to light and were examined to see how quickly they sought shelter. Those that immediately went under the cover of a dark circle were considered cautious while the ones that explored the arena appeared bolder.

Scientists observed the cockroaches, which they characterize as "gregarious insects," to see how they seek shelter when released into an open area under a bright light.

If all cockroaches were the same "personality-wise," then they should all exhibit identical behavior.

Researcher Isaac Planas-Sitja said the cocoroaches' "amazing" ability to reach a "census" could be explained by the bugs' affinity for protection of the group. The cockroaches that sought shelter sooner could have been signaling to others what to do, he said.

Collaborating could explain the cockroaches' apparent inability to die. Some explore the group's surroundings while others hang back to see if it's safe. It could also explain how so many of them can invade a cramped New York City apartment at once.

Cockroaches have no leaders, which mean they have no followers either. What cockroaches have are individuals able to make their own decisions.

Shy ones sought shelter and kept hidden much as possible while more adventurous individuals continued to explore their surroundings, he said.

Adventurous ones have a better chance of finding food following a catastrophe while shy ones have better chances of avoiding predators. These behaviors taken together increase the overall chances of a group's survival.

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