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Today is Pi Day! This Year's Pi Day Only Happens Once Every 100 Years Too


(Photo : Pizza Hut) Pizza for Pi Day. as in Pizza Pi Day

This Saturday, March 3, at exactly 9:27 a.m., scientists and mathematicians all over the world celebrate an event that can only occur once every 100 years in a truly unique manner.

Today is International Pi Day that honors the world's most important mathematical symbols. It's traditionally celebrated on March 14 at 1:59 P.M., which is a date that represents the first six digits of the number Pi (3.14159).

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This year, however, Pi Day will be celebrated on 3/14/15 which is a unique sequence that won't occur again in another century. Pi fans and enthusiasts will still go for the traditional time, starting celebrations at 9:27 a.m. This will give them time to relish two extra digits at 3.1415927 of this irrational number.

Pi is traditionally represented by the Greek letter π, which means the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Since it's an irrational number, the digits will never end and repeat.

Pi is also considered a universal equation. It helped complete the ancient pyramids in Egypt and even recently helped discovered the elusive Higgs boson or "God Particle" that holds clues to dark matter.

The world's top mathematicians also compete to calculate Pi during contests for more decimal places which set the record to eight quadrillion digits.

Pi Day festivities include Pi-related activities such as going on parades in a circle and reciting as many digits in Pi as anyone can remember and definitely, eating pie whether it's fruit pies or pizza.

Pi Day was founded by physicist Larry Shaw in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploratorium where the U.S. Congress passed a resolution making March 14 National Pi Day.

The San Francisco Exploratoriun will also host a day-long celebration on its grounds at Pier 15 that includes a Pi Procession and, of course, pie servings and a pizza dough tossing contest.

Pi Day is also Albert Einstein's birthday and the famous physicist is also celebrated along with Pi Day at Princeton, New Jersey where he lived for more than two decades.

New Jersey Pi Day/Einstein Day is celebrated with birthday parties at the Historical Society of Princeton and even with a lookalike contest. Included in the revelries are also traditional pie eating, pie throwing and make your own unique pizza creation.

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