02/23/2025 06:40:11 am

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Florida Republicans Keep Ban on Mentioning Climate Change; No Climate Change Planning, No Disaster Relief Money, Says FEMA

Florida is in danger

South Florida will drown, no thanks to climate change skeptics.

Scientists have declared Florida as the U.S. state most susceptible to the effects of climate change such as flooding.

But in a bizarre move, the Florida state government continues to ban state officials from using the terms "climate change" and "global warming" in official communications, emails and reports, according to the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting (FCIR).

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The ban was allegedly ordered by Florida Governor Rick Scott, an anti-science Republican well known for his staunch opposition to the existence of climate change and that humans are responsible for this proven phenomenon.

Surprisingly, Scott has denied any formal or unwritten order barring the use of these phrases despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Federal officials have expressed their concerns about this ongoing ban and are eager to determine whether or not Scott consented to an unwritten rule about mentioning these terms.

Rep. Kathy Castor, a Democrat representing Florida's 14th congressional district, questioned why written testimony from a Washington D.C. hearing about climate change didn't even mention the phrase, climate change. State Sen. Jeff Clemens also attempted to make a Florida official say the words "climate change" during a Tallahassee hearing but failed in the attempt.

This FCIR report was published in Florida's local newspapers. It reveled contractors and employees from several local agencies that included the Department of Health, Transportation, and the Department of Environmental Protection weren't allowed to use the terms "climate change" and "global warming" in official documents and correspondence.

Scott continues to deny this claim but former employees, volunteers and consultants from the DEP say otherwise. The FCIR also got a hold of records proving these claims are indeed true.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) State Mitigation Plan will take effect in 2016. FEMA warned that states without a plan for mitigating the effects of climate change won't receive any disaster preparedness funds.

Since Florida experiences the most ravaging effects of climate change in the mainland, how can the state be eligible for the FEMA State Mitigation Plan if the state government led by Republican climate deniers continues to ban any mention of the phrase climate change and global warming in official documents?

Castor grilled Art Graham, chairman of the Florida Public Service Commission, during a meeting at the Energy and Commerce subcommittee about the absence of these terms in his written testimony. Castor asked if this omission was a product of Scott's unwritten policy.

Clemens also interrogated Bryan Koon, director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, about FEMA's rules. Koon admits said Florida's version of the mitigation plan will apply "language discussing that issue".

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