03/10/2025 07:08:49 pm

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Kate Gosselin Under Fire After Using the R-Word Against Mothers Support Group

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Kate Gosselin, the former reality star for 'Kate Plus 8', allegedly used the word 'retarded' to describe mothers of multiples in an e-mail she sent out to Robert Hoffman, the author of 'Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World'.

Hoffman wrote a statement that Jon Gosselin, Kate's former husband, forwarded an e-mail to her from Patti T, the coordinator of the organization called Mother of Super Twins or MOST.

The e-mail contains an inquiry from the coordinator, asking if Jon Gosselin was willing to post a message that introduces himself and his family to MOST.

Upon receiving said e-mail, Kate Gosselin responded and said, "These people are retarded." As to the reason of her vexation to the e-mail, Hoffman couldn't say since he didn't have any idea.

The reality TV star is currently under fire for using such a word to refer to said group of people. The word 'retarded' is considered as a highly offensive word liked to that of racial slurs.

Many advocates are seeking for the removal of the R-word from the English language.

Special Olympics commented about Kate Gosselin's statement, saying, "We're saddened and disappointed when we hear of people using the R-word."

Many families and other individuals who are related to people with disabilities especially those with Down Syndrome pounced on the reality show star, bashing her.

Special Olympics also added in their written statement, "We encourage people to go to and take the pledge. It's important because it's respect toward everyone." is a website for a campaign that encourages people to join their campaign against the offensive word.

Other reports have also added that Kate Gosselin forced her children to go on family vacations with her so as to increase their show's ratings.

Another source pointed out that the mother of 8 forced one of her daughters, Mady, to go on a trip with the former Governor Sarah Palin since she didn't want to travel that far.

The latter allegation was then supported by Robert Hoffman in his book. "She absolutely did not want to go away for more filming and especially not as far away as Alaska," he wrote.

"I know this because I went to Kate's house that night with Jon to pick up Mady, and I heard the discussion between Jon and Kate-through the intercom at the gate."

This wasn't the first time that the writer revealed Kate Gosselin's e-mails.

Previously, he had revealed that she wrote a letter to the State of Pennsylvania pleading for free childcare aid for her children whom she dubbed 'disabled'.

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