03/31/2025 05:49:35 pm

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Study Reveals that Asians are Being Overlooked by the Top Technology Companies for Executive Roles

A new study revealed that top technology companies such as LinkedIn and Google, amongst others, are overlooking their Asian workers for leadership roles. The Asians are being offered only programming profiles rather than leadership/executive roles.

The study was conducted by Ascend. It is a group which solely focuses on the important topic of Asian business issues and its implications. This path-breaking study shockingly revealed that there is a huge gap between the leadership positions and the non-management jobs in the top technology companies.

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Denise Peck, a former VP at Cisco Systems and also a co-author of the Ascend study said that if visits the top technology companies' cafeteria then they would find a lot of diversity and people of a lot of ethnic races. He added that the scene totally changes when one visits the executive cabins as it is predominantly occupied by non-Asians.

The findings of the study revealed that the Asian personnel hold more than 25 percent of the technology jobs yet only half of them are in the executive capacity. The study also pointed out that in comparison the Whites account for more than 60 percent of all professional jobs. Almost 80 percent of these jobs are in the leadership roles, as reported by Japan Today.

The worst hit are the Asian woman who are discriminated against their gender and also their ethnic background. The study concluded that only one in 287 Asian women boasts of an executive role. In comparision, the study revealed that there is only one White woman with a leadership role for every 123 White Women in professional services, according to Yahoo.

Google steadfastly declined to answer the question raised by the study. LinkedIn, HP and Yahoo, who are the other top technology companies did not even bother to respond to the hard-hitting questions that the study raised. Only Intel acknowledged the study and just talked about their prior commitments about workforce diversification. Intel officials did not address the glaring imbalance issue of the leadership and the executives roles at all.

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