03/06/2025 10:10:29 pm

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Phone Unlocking in U.S. Set to be Legal Until 2016

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After passing congressional scrutiny, the United States' phone unlocking bill proceeds to President Barack Obama's desk as he promises he would sign it into law.

On Friday, the House approved at least two more years of allowing consumers to unlock their cellphone to switch to different providers as stated in the bill dubbed as the "Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act", and passed on the decision to the executive.

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At the same time, Obama has announced his support for the bill and is now preparing to sign it into law.

"The bill Congress passed today is another step toward giving ordinary Americans more flexibility and choice so that they can find a cellphone carrier that meets their needs and their budget," he stated.

Obama has sent his commendation for the bipartisan lawmakers and the Congress for unanimously going for a pro-consumer law.

Meanwhile, the legislation received applauds from the consumer community.

"This legislation can help consumers save some money, and it can help drive competition in both mobile phone technology and wireless service," senior policy counsel George Slover of the Consumers Union stated.

In the meantime, carrier networks accepted the change citing that it would clear up prior confusion over previous federal efforts on unlocked cellphones.

The legislation responds to a petition the White House website received last year signed by over 100,000 Americans opposing a 2012 U.S. Copy Right Office declaration that made it unlawful for consumers to unlock their cell phones without the carrier's consent.

For the past years, the Copyright Office (CO) has issued several exemptions that make unlocking phones legal though it had expired in 2012.

If signed into law, the phone unlocking bill will restore the right for at least until the 2016 review of the agency.

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