03/06/2025 09:11:08 pm

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'Secret Wars 3' Reveals a Huge Marvel Universe Mystery: Dr. Doom's Identity Revealed

Marvel Heroes

(Photo : Reuters) A major mystery about the Marvel Universe was revealed in the "Secret Wars 3" - a mystery about who is Dr. Doom that became as viral as it could be.

A major mystery about the Marvel Universe was revealed in the "Secret Wars 3" - a mystery about who is Dr. Doom that became as viral as it could be. Dr. Doom is the main nemesis of Fantastic Four and is driven solely in his ego; a self-obsessed person whose aim was to become the ruler of the world.

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The original Marvel stories showed him as a villain but he is acting totally opposite off lately, according to Kotaku. In spite of being shown as a villain, he knew magic and excelled in science, which is suspected that this unique skill set turned him into a nice person where he started to save lives instead of taking them.

This sudden change of heart unnerved the fans who first thought that it was just a ploy to lure them into believing that Dr. Doom had turned over a new leaf. They suspected that it was an elaborate trap, but when Dr. Doom started behaving consistently in a good manner, then the fans believed him.

His character was never shown without his iconic mask, but not anymore. In the latest episode of "Secret Wars," the character of Victor Von Doom's was finally revealed. It might be a small detail for some people, but many die-hard fans were waiting for a long time to get to know the actual identity of this character.

The fans were of course shocked to see that Doom was till now a tragically misunderstood hero. Previous episodes showed other character overshadowing him with their prowess of heroship, and hence, Doom got no sympathy at all from the viewers.

But this does not mean that he is totally redeemed now, said reports. He might do something really evil and awful in the coming episodes, warns Locker Dome. He is of course one the biggest and most dangerous villains that Marvel portrayed for a long time.

"Secret Wars" revolves around the Marvel Universe and the Battle world, wherein the creators promised that there is a lot more action in the coming episode, so stay tuned!

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