03/06/2025 09:12:32 pm

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Scientists Hope to Repair Spinal Cord Injuries with Neural Stem Cell Therapy

Neural Stem Cell Theraphy

Scientists are attempting to create the most promising neural stem cell therapy that can repair spinal cord injuries.

Mark Tuszynski from the University of California said their findings indicate that intrinsic neuronal mechanisms can readily overcome barriers created by a spinal cord injury.

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He said these abilities even persist in neurons reprogrammed from very old human cells through the use Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, a pluripotent stem cell that can be generated from adult cells.

Tuszynski said that while neural stem cell therapies are already advancing, their research raises caution about moving to human therapy too quickly.

He said the findings still leave questions about the harmful effects of axons if they are targeted incorrectly at a spinal cord region.

Researchers admit they still need to find out if the new connections formed by axons will remain stable.

They also have to find out when the implanted human neural stem cells will mature more rapidly.

They said that if they reached the right time frame, it could take months or years of observation to find out the functional benefits and problems of this transplant to humans.

Researchers said the human neurons were embedded in a matrix that contains growth factors.

In their research, they found biomarkers that indicates the presence of mature neurons and extensive axonal growth that even extends to the brain. There are also no detectable tumors, they said.

Researchers said that as of today, they want to focus on determining the best method in achieving optimal cell types.

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