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China Halts Land Reclamation in South China Sea

South China Sea Dispute

(Photo : REUTERS/Ritchie B. Tongo/Pool ) An aerial photo taken though a glass window of a Philippine military plane shows the alleged on-going land reclamation by China on mischief reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, west of Palawan, Philippines, May 11, 2015. China claims to have stopped further land reclamation in the disputed territory as tension increases over the issue.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China has effectively stopped its land reclamation project in the disputed South China Sea. The move is meant to communicate China's desire to cooperate with other claimants and resolve the issue through dialogue. It is also intended to convey China's support for the formulation of a Code of Conduct to guide the activities of in the strategic trade zone.

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"China has already stopped. You just take an airplane to take a look," Wang said at the end of the 48th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.

ASEAN foreign ministers and envoys from 24 other nations, most notably - the United States and China - attended the summit.

Although Chinese officials did not want the South China Sea dispute to be raised at the ASEAN conference, some foreign ministers refused. They argued that the issue was too important to simply be ignored.

Critics have reacted to the news that China has halted its construction of artificial islands with some skepticism. Philippines foreign ministry spokesman Charles Jose said Beijing has stopped reclaiming land because it had finished building the islands.

"At the same time, China announced they are moving on to Phase 2, which is construction of facilities on the reclaimed features. The Philippines views there activities as destabilizing," he said.

China is laying claim to a large portion of the South China Sea. Five other neighboring countries - including the Philippines, Brunei, Taiwan, Malaysia and Vietnam - all have competing claims in the region.

The involvement of the United States and Japan in the dispute has heightened tensions in the region. Both nations have voiced concerns about the militarization of the region as a result of the dispute.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed concerns over the effects of China's expansion in the South China Sea on the entire region. During the regional forum, he reiterated that Washington would not support any move to restrict navigational movement in the lucrative waters.

"Let me be clear: the United States will not accept restrictions on freedom of navigation and overflight, other lawful uses of the sea," Kerry said.

Wang replied to Kerry that China has always been committed to resolving disputes and will continue to do.

"China is always committed to working with the countries concerned to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiation," Wang said.

A statement released by China's foreign ministry early Friday criticized Japan and Philippines for teaming up to attack China during the ASEAN forum.

"China opposes any non-constructive words and acts which widen division, exaggerate antagonism or create tensions," the statement said.

Wang urged Japan to remember its own words and actions before criticizing others. He added that Tokyo has built a remote island in Okintori, a region in the Pacific, in order to impose territorial claims. The region lies between Guam and Taiwan, 1,700 km (1,050 miles) from Tokyo.

"Before criticizing others, Japan must first take a good look at its own words and behavior," the statement said.

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