03/28/2025 07:28:18 am

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Shark Week 2014 kicks off with controversial fake submarine shark documentary

Shark!!! Weak?

(Photo : Photo: Reuter)

Shark Week 2014 on the Discovery Chanel kicked off Sunday with controversy along with the usual sharky fanfare as a fake "Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine" documentary caused social media outrage.

Move over "Sharknado 2," the fake submarine shark show was two hours of bizarre faux news concerning a whale-watching submarine attacked by a 35-foot-long great white shark. Taking place in the vicinity of South Africa's coast, faded footage created through computer graphics furnished the attack footage. Eyewitness accounts and interviews with scientists rounded out the show.

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The only problem with witnesses and scientists in this so-called documentary was they were actors. One of them even had the absurd name of Conrad Manus. Conrad Manus? Oh yeah, that's Con Man for short.

The fake documentary followed a fake documentary on Shark Week 2013 that also sparked outrage and controversy. "Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives" wasn't labeled as fake. It took a while for viewers to figure out that key point. That show is scheduled to be repeated Shark Week 2014.

"Shark of Darkness" was clearly labeled. A disclaimer aired saying it was a dramatization although producers apparently couldn't resist adding that many people believe the sub was real.

Disclaimer aside, social media was buzzing with rage. Commenters on Facebook, Twitter and the usual Internet suspects took Discovery to task for continuing the practice of airing fake documentaries during this programming week that has become an American classic.

Shark Week's Facebook page was filled with comments about ruining the week through deception and being such a source of misinformation. Twitter hashtag #sharkweek had dozens of comments criticizing the fake documentary and fictional shows. M ost people wanted the real deal, namely shows truthfully looking at sharks.

Other criticism of the show centered around it's lack of production values and horrible acting. Computer generated shots were considered cheesy. Interviews were hokey, critics said.

Shark Week is considered the Discovery Channel's time to shine. It's been running for 27 years during mid-summer. Many consider it a great week during which people learn more about sharks. However, the trend toward fake shows may be undermining its cachet. So, as they say, stay tuned.

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