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Alien and UFO News: Bold Proofs They Exist; NASA Guides On How To identify Alien’s Existence!


(Photo : Reuters) NASA teams up with Harmonics to provide its own 4K UHD TV channel.

Conspiracy theorists always long to find proof of aliens and UFO. There are lots of aliens and UFO evidence videos that comes along almost every day and continues to make humans long for something more.

Below are the top 5 evidence that life indeed exist and  evolved beyond Earth.

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Fossil evidence for cyanobacteria in carbonaceous meteorites from outer space.
(Photo: Reuters) Fossil evidence for cyanobacteria in carbonaceous meteorites from outer space.

NASA scientist Richard Hoover, claimed that fossil evidence for cyanobacteria in carbonaceous meteorites from outer space was found. Hoover discovered pieces of meteorites by scanning electron microscopes and identified filaments and structures that resemble the tiny single-celled "algae."

In 1976 NASA's two Viking landers conducted a host of biological experiments.
(Photo : Reuters) In 1976 NASA's two Viking landers conducted a host of biological experiments.

In 1976 NASA's two Viking landers conducted a host of biological experiments. They collected samples of Martian soil and test them for organic compounds - the building blocks of life - and biosignatures that signify the presence of microorganisms. The landers found evidence of organics and the "Labeled Release" experiment found a proof of increased carbon dioxide in the surface material of Mars.

The Labeled Release Engineer Gilbert Levin concluded that these carbon dioxide was produced by the organisms lurking in the Martian soil. Unfortunately, this conclusion was not supported and accepted by some scientist. Hence, some it was also rumored that those Martian compounds were destroyed by other chemicals prior Viking discover them.

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor showed evidence of trees and bushes in Mars.
(Photo : Reuters) NASA's Mars Global Surveyor showed evidence of trees and bushes in Mars.

Famous writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote the novel "2001: A Space Odyssey," claimed  that photos from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor showed evidence of trees and bushes. He made headlines in the year 2001, as expected, many scientists did not support the evidence photo, but the writer stood by his belief.

"I'm quite serious when I say have a really good look at these new Mars images, something is actually moving and changing with the seasons that suggest, at least, vegetation," Clarke said.

Mars canals were first concluded by an Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877. Mars canals were first concluded by an Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877.
(Photo : Reuters) Mars canals were first concluded by an Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877. Mars canals were first concluded by an Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877.

Mars canals were first concluded by an Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877. Then it was supported and popularized by another astronomer Percival Lowell by making some intricate drawings based on his observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz.

This idea became relatively wide accepted until the early 20th century. Astronomical observations improved higher resolutions and showed the canals to be geological formations and optical formations.

In 1996, scientist Allan Hills announced the discovery of fossilized microbial life in a meteorite from Mars.
(Photo : Reuters) In 1996, scientist Allan Hills announced the discovery of fossilized microbial life in a meteorite from Mars.

In 1996, a scientist announced the discovery of fossilized microbial life in a meteorite from Mars. President Bill Clinton made a big event and addressed the discovery that we are not alone.

The Allan Hills 84001(ALH 84001) evidence is still being debated through the years. The space rock seemed to remain as a topic of ongoing research to some scientist, reported.

According to NASA, the atmospheric chemistry of aliens life devoids thousands of times in a period of more than four years. This depends on atmospheric compositions and types. Shawn Domagal-Goldman (NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland), said that they ran calculations and found out that there was a significant amount of ozone that built up in the atmosphere.

NASA even confirmed that there is indeed signs of life out there. There were signs of Methane or carbon atom bound hydrogen which can be produced only in a living planet such as Earth. The quest still continues for many who wonders, "Is there really life beyond Earth?"

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