03/10/2025 01:10:42 am

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Hackers' Collective Anonymous Threatens to Shut Down Websites Over Ferguson Shooting

Riots in Ferguson

(Photo : KMOV St. Louis) Aerial view of a section of Ferguson, Missouri, where riots have flared up after demonstrations against the fatal shooting by police of 18-year-old Michael Brown Saturday.

Internet hacking collective Anonymous has warned U.S. authorities that it could shut government websites down, if the investigation into the fatal shooting of Ferguson, Missouri native Michael Brown is not handled with justice.

The group of hackers warned the Ferguson police department and other agencies involved against abusing or harming protesters now up in arms against the killing of the teenager on Saturday. Anonymous also posted a video warning (see below) admonishing the Ferguson police force for fatally shooting Brown, saying the incident is just the latest example of police misconduct having deadly consequences.

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The 18-year-old Brown was shot after an apparent run-in with police, details of which are still unclear. Earlier police statements said Brown, or another man with him, had attempted to grab an officer's firearm. A later statement said the victim was about 35 feet away from where police were, and that he was shot while unarmed.

A disturbing picture of the young man lying face down on the street has been circulated all over the internet and incited a a wave of internet action.

In a video circulated in You Tube, Anonymous, represented by a disguised voice, said it is "outraged at this cold blooded murder of a young teen. Not a week goes by that some young person, usually of minority ethnicity is slaughtered by murderous police in the USA."

The video said Anonymous "will not be satisfied this time, as we have in the past,  with simply obtaining justice for this young man and his family. Anonymous demands that the congressional representatives and senators from Missouri introduce legislation entitled 'Mike Brown's Law' that will set strict national standards for police conduct in the USA. We further demand that this new law include specific language to grant the victims of police violence the same rights and prerogatives that are already enjoyed nationwide by the victims of other violent criminals."  

Angry protests about Brown's death have turned into rioting and looting, where up to 32 arrests have been made since Sunday. Ferguson residents reacted heatedly to the latest explanation from police that said Brown was shot because he reached for an officer's gun. Brown's death, and the notion he was somehow to blame, has infuriated the mostly black community.

Anonymous, in the same video, threatened the police with consequences if any demonstrators are harmed.

"If you abuse, harass or harm in any way the protesters in Ferguson we will take every Web-based asset of your departments and governments offline. That is not a threat. It is a promise," the message went on.

nonymous launched a feed on Twitter dubbed @OpFerguson Sunday, with Twitter conversations quickly gaining steam under the hashtags#MikeBrown#Anonymous#OpFerguson and #AnonCorpWatch.

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