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George RR Martin Reveals Women Ask for More Sex Scenes in Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is definitely a mix of everything. Carnal pleasures, gory killings and undeniably great characters both to love and hate.

George RR Martin, the writer of the book, reveals that women are begging him to write more sex scenes for the upcoming seasons. And what does he say about this? Read more to learn the details of his juicy interview.

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He was speaking for the Edinburgh International Literary Festival and Martin says that women have been sending him letters saying that he should be writing more explicit sex scenes for the future episodes and even more gay sex.

Martin answers by saying that he is not going to do what the women readers demand not just for the sake of doing it.

He makes it a point that if the plot will lend itself to the request of the readers and if any of his viewpoint characters was in that situation, he would not hesitate to write about it.

He ended by saying writing is not a democracy, because if it was, Joffrey would have died much much earlier than he did.

He also talked about how the fans correctly speculate and guess about the ending of each season. He says that he stopped reading the message boards from fans of the show because he was having second thoughts of changing the planned ending just so he can still surprise both the readers and the viewers.

He adds that he does not want to write a predictable fiction and would like to take his readers in directions they never saw coming.  However, he does not want to change any of the plots instead he would just go ahead in writing the next books.

He also talked about the death of his characters. Martin says that all the characters' death has already been planned but he does not know necessarily what their future is. He noted that he will just make it up as he goes along.

He ended his interview saying that all one can do is to write the best story one can ant put it in the hands of posterity. He says that he is thankful that a lot of people read his books for the writer's real enemy is insignificance.

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