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Nintendo NX: New Console Likely To Come Out Soon!

Nintendo’s new console, codenamed Nintendo NX, will hit the shelves Q1 2017.

(Photo : Facebook) Nintendo’s new console, codenamed Nintendo NX, will hit the shelves Q1 2017.

Nintendo's new console codenamed Nintendo NX was announced in less than two and half years, after its predecessor WiiU bombed in the market.

According to iDigital Times, Nintendo has confirmed plans of working on a new console which the company claims will pack in a punch through its awesome features. Nintendo's Wii U has ended up as one of the company's worst products with its features being rated as underpowered as compared to the competitors, further to the details revealed on the report. In Nintendo NX, the company will pin its hopes on a reversal of fortunes as it seems to be promising a superior product in comparison to the competitors like Microsoft and Sony. However, the report also goes on to say that Nintendo is likely to gain out of the entire concept only if it manages to release the new console as soon as possible.

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Another report on Tech Radar points out that Nintendo's Wii U has barely managed to sell 10 million units till date which is quite a shocker when compared to the other players in the category. It is this dismal performance that has pushed Nintendo to put the development of the new console on fasttrack. The report on iDigital Trends goes on to explain that Nintendo announced the new console at E3 2015 and rumours indicate that developers are already working on the platform. However, even these developers will need at least a year's time to churn out a decent product. This situation indicates that it is going to be difficult for Nintendo to release the game this year itself, as stated in the report.

The report on Tech Radar also says that Nintendo President Satoru Iwata explained the new console model as a brand new initiative by his team. Rumours also reveal that the new console will have a more powerful and a completely different control system.

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