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GSK China Case Ongoing, Other Companies Reviewed

2013-7-22 1
(Photo : GlaxoSmithKline)

The case against GSK has probed Chinese officials to review the sales process of other manufacturing companies.  According to Stanley Lu, a private drug fraud expert in Beijing, he said,  "GSK and other multinational companies like Pfizer, their behavior in Chinese markets is actually pretty good," 

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"As for local Chinese manufacturers, their behavior is much, much worse. They don't even use travel agencies - that's why the policemen cannot find any proof. They just give kickbacks directly, in cash, to Chinese doctors."

"Why they don't get punished? One reason could be that local governments cover these Chinese manufacturers, simply because they don't want to lose their investment and tax revenue."

The bribery of these manufacturers to doctors has been prominent. A case has revealed by the Chinese authorities against the GSK's bribery allegation. Apparently, a woman was prescribed £20 worth of medicine after a routine gynecology check-up, some with potent ingredients. The couple did not agree with the prescription but eventually gave in after the doctor strongly insisted.

Sohu Weibo, a well-known blogging service with a username Grassroots is Grassrottis wrote, "There were a lot of people in line to see the doctor, so the doctor put a lot of pressure on my wife, saying that she'd better quit resisting," He added,  "Right now, most doctors [in China] are just as shameless as corrupt officials."  There are more than 160 comments to this post, informing that it is a case of swindling.

This case is said the be the illustration of 'the ubiquity of such malfeasance in China's health care system,'  as the Chinese security authorities claimed. GSK admitted having 700 travel agencies to funnel the bribes to Chinese doctors.

Last July 17, the China State Food and Drug Administration announced a 6-month nationwide program to eradicate the health care system of the country.

As commented by communist party,  "A crackdown on commercial bribery by multinationals is deeply significant to safeguarding the order of the market economy." 

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