03/05/2025 10:31:54 pm

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Lucid Dreamers are Smarter than Others, Researchers Find

Lucid Dreaming

A study claims people who are aware they're dreaming have above average problem-solving abilities.

Researchers said people who had lucid dreams can solve problems while awake better than people who remain unaware they're dreaming the entire time.

The concept for this research was based on Inception, a 2010 American blockbuster movie that focused on lucid dreams.

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Researchers believe there are people who can recognize their dreams because of their higher level of insights. The brains of these people can detect they're dreaming because of the inconsistency of events in their dreams, said researchers.

Because of this, lucid dreamers can easily spot hidden connections and inconsistencies when finding solutions to problems.

Patrick Bourke from Lincoln School of Psychology in England said that to become a dreamer, lucid dreamers must see past the overwhelming reality of their dream state and recognize they're dreaming.

The same cognitive ability was demonstrated by lucid dreamers while awake. These people tend to think differently when it comes to problem solving.

With this new finding, researchers found out that frequent lucid dreamers can solve 25 percent more problems than non-lucid dreamers.

Lucid dreaming was first coined by Frederik Van Eeden, a Dutch psychiatrists and writer who became the director the Royal Tropical Institute in Haarlem, The Netherlands.

Lucid dreamers have the ability to control their participation in a dream and manipulate their dream in whatever way they want.

These dreams are often vivid and realistic and are shown to have higher levels of the beta-1 frequency band. This illustrates an increased amount of activity in the parietal lobes, making the dreamers conscious of the process.

Some researchers believe lucid dreamers are not in a state of sleep, but are briefly awake.

Others said there is no way to prove the truth of lucid dreaming other than to ask the dreamer himself.

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