03/30/2025 09:25:01 pm

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Height Does Matter When it Comes to Cancer, According to Study

Height Cancer

(Photo : Reuters) Swedish researchers have revealed that tall people may be more prone to developing cancer than short people.

Sweden researchers have revealed the result of a study at a medical convention in Spain on Thursday showing that taller humans are more prone to get cancer than shorter people. Critics, however, have disputed the study, saying that it ignores other significant factors which could also cause the disease.

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The Wall Street Journal reported that researchers at the Karolinska Institute and Stockholm University based their study on more than 5 million Swedish males and females.

The research claims that every ten centimeter in height increases the chance of getting cancer by more than ten percent for the men, while for the women the chances increases by almost 20 percent.

Tall females are 20 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than short females. Tall people are also 30 percent more likely to get melanoma for every ten centimeters in height.

Members of the medical community present at the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology held in Barcelona on Thursday took note of the research study.

Most participants admitted that there is a link between height and certain cancers, but the study failed to explain how height causes the occurrence of cancer in humans.

Lead researcher Doctor Emelie Benyi said the study provided valuable clues on how cancerous cells develop in the human body. This could help researchers create the necessary drugs to fight them.

Some earlier publications have proposed the same conclusion of the recent Swedish report.

Benyi highlighted some reasons why taller humans are more prone to cancer. Their height means that they have more cells that could become cancerous. Tall humans also tend to consume more food and there have been medical findings that the chances of getting cancer increases with the consumption of enormous amount of calories.

Other medical experts say that there are other factors that can greatly increase a person's chances of getting cancer other than height.

Heavy smoker, alcoholics and those who adopt unhealthy lifestyles are more prone to cancer than any body else including tall people, according to the BBC.

United Kingdom Cancer Research spokesperson Sarah Williams said that simply adopting a healthy and active life goes a long way to fight off cancer.

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