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New Information About 'Justice League' Movie Leaked

DC Entertainment New Era of Comic Books

(Photo : Getty) Excited Fans at DC Comics’ Midnight Madness Event celebrating the release of new No. 1 issue of 'Justice League' at Mid Town Comics on Aug. 30, 2011 in New York City.

As fans know by now, the grand plan of all the DC Comic book movies moving forward is to pave the way to the "Justice League" film.

In a move similar to what rival comic company Marvel Comics did with their "Avengers" franchise, DC looks to hopefully build a foundation of movie franchises that can be worth billions. According to Cinemablend, DC comics is not pulling any punches in the race to make the "Justice League" film.

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What is currently known about the "Justice League" franchise is that the first story will be split into two separate films that will be directed by Zach Snyder, who also directed "Man of Steel" and "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice."

However, unlike Marvel Comics, it seems that DC is fast forwarding to their team-up movie without first establishing the heroes behind the team with their own origins movies.

According to a Vine Report, DC Comics believes that the "Justice League" characters are already known well enough to push forward with the team-up movie right away, as opposed to the "Avengers" that have several members who might not have been too mainstream at the time of their origins film.

But this doesn't mean that the heroes that make up the "Justice League" won't be getting their own solo films in the future. In a recent interview with Collider, producer Charles Roven actually revealed that DC Comics hopes to interlink all the films together, and that all the films will bring on a large story together.

Again, this isn't something new as this is a formula that Marvel has used to get to the "Avengers" and its sequels. So how can DC distinguish itself from its competitor?

Simple: the members of the Justice League have arguably far more star power than that of the Avengers comic, book-wise. The team that is projected to be part of the "Justice League" film is going to be Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Cyborg.

These seven heroes are arguably the most well-known heroes in the history of comics, and with Superman and Batman leading the charge for the "Justice League," DC comics believes that they can not go wrong.

Currently there is no news about a script for the film; however the "Justice League" movie is set for a summer 2018 release, and part two may come in 2019.

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