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Anti-Flash to Make Surpise Return in Next Episode of "The Flash"

2015 Winter TCA Tour - Day 5

(Photo : (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)) PASADENA, CA - JANUARY 11: Actor Tom Cavanagh listens onstage to the panel discussion during the 'Arrow' and 'The Flash' panel as part of The CW 2015 Winter Television Critics Association press tour at the Langham Huntington Hotel & Spa on January 11, 2015 in Pasadena, California. Anti-Flash is set to make an appearance in the latest episode of the hit TV series.

Season 2 of CW's hit show "The Flash" has been a roller coaster ride for Barry Allen and friends to say the least. But, rumors have it that what has happened so far to the Flash crew is just the beginning as more meta-humans from other Earths are set be debuted.

Cinemablend reports that one of these meta-humans that is going to make a surprise return is none other than 'Anti-Flash' himself Eobard Thawne. This may get fans riled up as the entire season 1 ending was devoted to getting rid of Eobard and his time traveling ways.

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But do not worry; TV Line confirms that this version of Anti-Flash is not the same one that travelled back in time to kill Barry's mother, but instead a version of the man he killed, Harrison Wells from Earth 2.

So how is this version of The Anti-Flash different from his Earth 1 counterpart? Well for the meantime it seems that the character is not out to go back to the future and kill Barry and friends. Instead the opposite is true, it seems that this version is actually here to help.

However, it seems that even though Wells is here to help, he still might have his own agenda that he wants to see played out.

Barry and the crew of S.T.A.R labs seemingly believe that Wells is not 'Anti-Flash', this is apparent when it is revealed that Wells doesn't have any speed powers.

Wells is also reported to be helping out when Grodd makes a surprise return to Central City. For those who remember Wells is one of the few people that Grodd trusts, even going as far as calling Wells father.

How the Flash team actually deals with Grodd hasn't been revealed yet, but rest assured that the "Anti-Flash" will be a part of the plan.

"The Flash" airs on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. EST on CW.

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