03/02/2025 03:28:07 pm

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Australian Pedophile Found Teaching Children in Asia

Two boys from Thailand

(Photo : Getty Images) A sex offended has no right to teach innocent children

Convicted child rapist and registered sex offender Peter Walbran was caught by authorities living in one of Thailand's rural areas, teaching children ages 12-17. The 59-year old Australian had been convicted of committing terrible sexual acts on children as young as eight on the Indonesian island of Lombok in 2012.

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The pedophile was found living in northeast Isan where few foreigners usually stay.

Teaching in Narinukun school, the timid-looking science teacher earns around $1500 per month. This amount allows him to live comfortably in the area. According to reports, Walbran did not frequent Ubon's bars or massage parlours. He appeared to have spent most of his time in his rented studio apartment.

Online photos of the school show how Walbran easily interacts with students, like any normal teacher would. This would have been fine if he was not a convicted pedophile.

Undercover police have placed him under surveillance for days before his arrest.

Police watched him from an apartment they rented across from his studio apartment, where he lived with his 18-year old boyfriend. Walbran did not alter his appearance since his extradition from Australia to Indonesia in 2011.

For decades, he taught in international schools in Indonesia, even becoming head of the popular Australian International School in Jakarta.

In a report by Fairfax Media, Glen Hulley, head of the NGO called Project Karma, says no person convicted of child sex offences should be working with children.

"In Western countries like Australia there are systems in place to prevent child sex offenders teaching in schools," Hulley said. "But in other countries, like Thailand, those protocols are not in place and there are loopholes that are exploited by pedophiles. Walbran was able to exploit them."

After being tipped by reliable sources, Hulley flew to Thailand and found Walbran in Narinukun school. He then notified police that an Australian convicted child sex abuser was teaching Thai children.

Immigration police went to the school to check the immigration status of the 10 foreign teachers working there, saying it was a routine procedure so as not to tip off Walbran that his past had been exposed.  He was found to hold a valid visa that allowed him to teach in Thailand.

Currenlty detailed by immigration officers, his computer is currently being examined and his relationship with children living near his apartment is being investigated. Walbran may probably be deported back to New Zealand, his country of origin.

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