02/23/2025 03:32:34 am

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Netizens Lash out at Mom Over too Many Gifts Under her Christmas Tree

Emma Tapping Christmas tree

(Photo : Facebook) Emma Tapping's little Christmas tree with overflowing gifts.

Netizens on Facebook harshly reacted toward a mom for the overflowing gifts under her Christmas tree.

Last week, a mother from the Isle of Man in Great Britain took a shot of her mountain of holiday presents belittling her Christmas tree and then posted them on Instagram.

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And while the mom thought that her online friends would love it, the opposite actually happened. She earned the ire of netizens.

Emma Tapping immediately became an online sensation as a living example of extreme excess when she announced to the world the many gifts that she's ready to give away come Dec. 25.

Well, saying the gifts are "under the tree" is actually a misnomer because the gifts are piled up, towering the Christmas tree and half way up the ceiling, "forming a gaily gift-wrapped wall around the lonesome evergreen and obscuring all but the highest branches," reports San Francisco Gate.

The 35-year-old mom told Buzzfeed that before she posted her gifts, she only had 258 followers. But after her Instagram post was tagged on Facebook, "without my knowledge", she was surprised to find that it was shared more than 100,000 times.

She instantly drew the criticism of the Facebook community because she was seemingly "broadcasting" her kids' Christmas largesse.

"It's nearly time for all the materialistic parents to compete and broadcast how many presents their kids have. Just remember there's a lot of children who won't get much," one Facebook user posted.

She also earned the ire of others who thought she was "missing the point of Christmas." One follower called her children "spoiled brats."

One user named Brett Saleh wrote, "That's disgusting just think of the conversation the kids will have with other kids telling them what they got."

But Tapping wasn't the kind of mom who would let her children be labeled as "spoiled brats".  She eventually posted as response against all the criticisms she got:  

"The picture was ... blasted all over Facebook without my knowledge. It was not done as a 'bragging parent.'

"The presents under the tree are for my children, myself, my partner and my mother, not just the kids.

"Please try and remember this is about 3 little children, their christmas, their tree. Feel free to share. Merry Christmas xxxxx"

Tapping, a self-proclaimed thrifty shopper, said she scouts for the best bargain in town when looking for gifts and even volunteered to share shopping tips to anyone interested.

"I love Christmas and I shop savvy to give (my kids) a good Christmas," she said. "I would happily help anyone find the bargains or give tips on how I save."

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