03/31/2025 05:42:36 pm

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Experts say PFC can Cause Reproductive Problems and Diabetes

perfluorinated compounds (PFC)

(Photo : Reuters) Health experts in Taiwan have warned the public to be cautious of products containing perfluorinated compounds (PFC) as they can cause reproductive health issues and diabetes.

Health experts have warned the public to use products containing perfluorinated compounds (PFC) with caution as they can cause problems to the reproductive system. 

PFCs can make a material oil-, stain-, and water-resistant, therefore it is very useful in food packaging, cooking pans, pesticides, carpets, clothing, and personal care products. Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are kinds of PFCs that are often used in pizza boxes and popcorn bags, respectively. 

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A team of scientists from the National Taiwan University (NTU) Hospital and NTU College of Public Health said at a press conference on Friday that prolonged exposure to PFCs can more than triple a person's risk of diabetes. 

"These compounds are problematic because of their durability and likelihood to build up in the human body, creating the potential for harm in the event of long-term exposure," said NTU College Dean Chen Wei-jen.

He added that PFCs can easily accumulate in the body, and that PFOS and PFOA in the body have half-lives of 5.4 years and 3.8 years, respectively. This means that it will take 5.4 years for half of the atoms of PFOS to decay.

NTU's report urged the public to reduce their exposure to PFCs as much as possible, as these COMPUNDS are difficult to discharge once they enter the body. 

"The compounds could interfere with internal secretions, particularly those of reproductive organs, with long-term exposure more than tripling an adult's risk of developing diabetes," said Su Ta-cheng, associate professor at the NTU Hospital.

Pregnant women, most of all, should try to stay away from PFCs as they can reach the fetus through the placenta and damage the baby's thyroid. 

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