03/06/2025 10:09:48 pm

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Launch of Online Database for Living Buddhas Welcomed by Tibetans

Living BUddhas Website

(Photo : Photo by ChinaFotoPress/ChinaFotoPress via Getty Images) More than 9,000 figures of Buddha made from jujube trees are seen at a Buddha garden of Haoxiangni Jujube Co., Ltd. Tibetan Buddhists have welcomed the creation of a website to authenticate Living Buddhas.

"As a living Buddha, I feel genuinely happy about it," said Drukhang Thubten Khedrup, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China (BAC).

Khedrup is referring to the recently launched website which features the list of authentic Living Buddhas. The website went live on January 18 to weed out impostors who claim that they are Living Buddhas. 

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Basic information about the 870 verified Living Buddhas can be found on the website, and it is set to expand until the list is complete. There are many cases of fraudulent Living Buddhas who engage in illegal activities, lure women, and use their "influence" to earn money. 

"Fake Living Buddhas also damage the image of Tibetan and Chinese culture," said Palden Donyu, VP of the Tibet Buddhist Association. 

In 2010, the BAC started issuing certificates to verified Living Buddhas, but certificates can be faked as well. 

The website will ask users for their mobile numbers to access the database, but searches are only limited to five per day. 

"I checked my own information--it's all correct and covers all the basic things," said Tubdian Drakpa, another Living Buddha. Drakpa suggested a function for the public to report fake Living Buddhas.

Now that impostors can be more easily identified, many are calling for punishments for the fake Living Buddhas. 

Tibetan Buddhism believes in the reincarnation of their religious leaders, and the reincarnated person are often highly-regarded. This is one of the reasons why fake Living Buddhas do what they do - to get the public's adoration. 

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