03/06/2025 09:36:53 pm

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Ana Verayo

Hydrothermal vents found underwater can trigger life.

Life on Earth Could Orginate from Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents

New findings reveal how mineral particles found in hydrothermal vents deep under the ocean can become catalysts for organic life on Earth.

Ceres from afar

After Dawn Glitch, NASA Wants Your Vote About Ceres' Mysterious Bright Spots

After experiencing a temporary glitch on its first science mission stage, Dawn is ready to take closer views of Ceres where NASA needs your vote about the mysterious bright spots on it ssurface.

The ISS Progress 59 cargo ship is seen here on the launch pad in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. It will launch at 3:09 a.m. EDT on Apr. 28 to carry more than three tons of supplies to the ISS.

Russian Cargo Ship Loses Communications, Arrival to Space Station Delayed

After the launch of a Russian cargo ship today which is slated to arrive at the ISS after six hours, failure to deploy antennas and other technical glitches now delayed its arrival.

What Did ISS Astronauts Watch on the First Movie Projector in Space? Gravity!

Movie nights just got better with the arrival of the ISS Viewscreen which is the first projector screen in space where astronauts watched the sci-fi film Gravity.

Tau Ceti f.

Here's Why the Tau Ceti System Can't Have Habitable Planets

A new study debunks prior studies about certain habitable exoplanets in Tau Ceti star system.

Shock wave

Here's How Cosmic Tsunamis Resurrect Dead Galaxies

A new study reveals that cosmic tsunamis or huge shock waves of energy from galaxy mergers can bring forth a force that can trigger star formation.

Hawaii's Thirty Meter Telescope Website Shut Down by Cyberattack

The website was shut down for two hours after the cyberattack.


SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launches Turkmen Satellite Today

The satellite weighs around 9,000 pounds and will bring TV, internet and data services for national and commercial use.

Grandfather agave

50 Year-old Agave Plant Getting Ready for Last Show Before it Dies

This enormous Agave americana plant only blooms before its death, which is an ironic twist of fate.

Frozen female woolly mammoth

Scientists Can Now De-Extinct Woolly Mammoths

Remains of the animals have been recovered under the Siberian ice in almost perfect condition.

NASA's concept of NExSS

NASA's New NExSS Program to Search for Alien Life in 2017

Researchers that will be involved in the NExSS project will follow a system science approach for their study.

Invisible to one's mind

Why Scientists Want You to Become 'Invisible'

A news study investigates the illusion of becoming invisible to address social stress factors.

 Runaway galaxy

Scientists Find 'Homeless' Galaxies Ejected by their Clusters

Stars and now galaxies can be hurled from their host clusters during an acceleration of gravitational disturbances.

Pocket shark

Extremely Rare Shark With 'Pockets' Finally Identified by Scientists

The first sample was found some 30 years ago off Peru's Pacific coast.

The largest volcano on Earth

New Magma Chamber in Yellowstone Big Enough to Fill Grand Canyon

This new data provides scientists the information to better understand magma movement from the mantle to the Earth's surface.

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