03/31/2025 06:25:28 pm

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Arthur Dominic Villasanta

Now off North Korea

Japanese Warships Joining USS Carl Vinson Strike Group in Patrols off North Korea

The Carl Vinson CSG last month took part in joint drills with the Republic of Korea Armed Forces.

Launched on April 12

China Launches Satellite on April 12, the 56th Anniversary of the First Human Spaceflight

Shijian-13 is an experimental geostationary communications satellite.

Mindless obedience

China Stations 150,000 of its Soldiers along Border with North Korea; Prelude to War?

There have also been reports in Chinese state-run media that China and South Korea agreed to take new measures against North Korea.


World in Muted Celebration of the First Human Spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin

Russia is marking Cosmonautics Day with ceremonies held at the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan.

Hi, China and North Korea

US Deploying its Largest Military Aerial Drone to Asia to Spy on China and North Korea

The U.S. Air Force will boost its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities against both China and North Korea.


Attacking North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Sites Might be only Choice Left for Trump

"The president has asked them (Trump's advisers) to be prepared to give us a full range of options to remove that threat," he noted.

Gold bank

British Man Discovers Gold Bars Worth $2.4 Million in Chinese-made Tank

A Chinese made copy of the Soviet T-55 MBT, the Type 69 is considered obsolete by today's standards.

Tough guys

Bin Laden’s Body Pulverized by Over 100 Rounds Fired by SEAL Team Six Operators

O'Neill used a Heckler & Koch HK416 assault rifle to kill bin Laden.

Now in Syria

US F-22 Stealth Fighters Patrolling Skies above Russian Bases in Syria

Some military analysts believe the F-22s will play the major role in suppressing Russian SAM systems.

War trigger

China will Fight Alongside North Korea to Prevent Pro-Western Unified Korea

"China will not allow the existence of a government that is hostile against China on the other side of the Yalu River ..."

China target

China Lays Down Red Line for Military Strikes against North Korea’s Nuclear Plants

China will attack North Korea's facilities producing nuclear bombs.

Small torpedoes

New “Supercavitating” Rounds for Assault Rifles and MGs Can Kill Persons Deep Underwater

DSG's CAV-X apparently overcome this disadvantage by using the same science that makes "supercavitating torpedoes" possible.


USS Carl Vinson Redeployed off Korean Peninsula as North Korea Prepares for New Nuclear Bomb Test

"The number one threat in the region continues to be North Korea ..."

Long-range killer

New Chinese PL-15 Missile is Designed to Destroy US Air Force Aerial Tankers

Chinese media said the PL-15 can reach out to over 300 km at a speed greater than Mach 4 (4,900 km/h).


Asteroid Mining will Make You Wealthy Beyond Your Wildest Dreams, says Goldman Sachs and Luxembourg

The champion of space mining is neither the United States nor Goldman Sachs, however. It's the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

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