03/04/2025 02:02:33 pm

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Christl Leong

Democrat Senator Demands Iraqi Forces Report Before New Arms Sales

A prominent Democratic senator threatened on Thursday to block U.S. weapon sales to Iraq unless Congress receives information on Iraqi forces and other pertinent military data.

EU Adds To Ukraine Sanctions List

The European Union is expected to levy sanctions to an additional 15 Russian and Ukrainian individuals and 18 firms on Friday for their role in the Ukraine crisis.

India Blocks WTO Deal, Potentially Damaging To Further Global Trade

India has blocked a World Trade Organization global customs deal on Thursday, a potentially damaging move that could result in losses both politically and economically, according to WTO members.

Sudan Death Row Woman Arrives In Italy

A Sudanese woman who escaped a death sentence for refusing to renounce her faith arrived in an airport in Rome on Thursday.

Wine Collector Rudy Kurniawan Faces 11 Years For Fraud

California wine collector Rudy Kurniawan, 37, will face at least 11 years in prison as he is set to be sentenced on Thursday on fraud charges.

FAA Lifts Flight Restriction In Israel

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has lifted its restriction on flights to Tel Aviv on Wednesday after careful consideration of Israel's security situation.

Immigration Protesters Stage Mock GOP Funeral In Capitol Complex

Activists staged a mock funeral for the GOP on Monday in protest of the Republican Party's stance on the border crisis.

Obama Gets Flak For Fundraising Campaign Amid Pressing Foreign Concerns

U.S. President Barack Obama has embarked on a three-day fundraising event intended to garner support for the Democratic Party in time for the November elections, earning criticism for doing so amid more pressing international crises.

US Congress Deadlocked On Border Crisis Plan

U.S. lawmakers have grown increasingly uncertain over reaching an accord in Congress to deal with the flood of migrant children crossing the southern border before they are set to leave for summer recess in eight days.

Gun Control Protesters Meet Christie In Connecticut Fund Raiser

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was met by a crowd of gun control protesters when he arrived in Connecticut on Monday, following his veto of a gun control bill that would ban magazines with more than ten rounds earlier this month.

Kerry In Cairo For Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Talks

U.S. Secretary of State arrives in Cairo on Monday to broker a truce in the Gaza Strip.

Former Taliban Leader Says Afghan War ‘Unjustified’

A senior Taliban leader told media on Sunday that the Pakistan group's war against the Afghan government may well become "unjustified" following news of the withdrawal of U.S. troops in the country.

South Korean Navy

North Korea Claims Missile Tests Are For Protection Against U.S.

North Korea has denounced the United Nations on Saturday after the latter urged it to comply with UN restrictions, claiming that the test launches were precautionary measures against the U.S.

China Doles Out Controversial Maps To Military

China is reportedly distributing millions of maps to its military, the latest upgrade in 30 years.

Double Tragedy Strikes Aussie Family Who Lost Relatives On MH17 And MH370

An Australian family who lost relatives in the MH370 flight that disappeared last March once again mourns the loss of two other family members aboard the MH17 that crashed over east Ukraine on Thursday.

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