03/04/2025 03:19:10 am

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David Perry

Long Neck

Teen To Have Surgery For Unusually Long Neck

A 15-year-old Beijing boy is hoping surgery will be able to shorten his extraordinarily long neck.

China Drugs

Japanese Lawmaker On Trial In China For Drug Trafficking, Faces Death Penalty

Takuma Sakuragi, a 70-year-old Japanese politician, today went on trial for trafficking 3.3 kg of the drug methamphetamine.

Algal Bloom

'Yellow' Sea? China Awash In 11,158 Square Mile Algal Bloom

Beachgoers in the Chinese port city of Qingdao were greeted with a breathtaking view of a rolling green landscape...only it wasn't land.

China AIDS

Hong Kong HIV Rate Spikes

A record 150 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections were recorded in the city in the second quarter of 2014.


1,400 Children Exploited In One English Town

A damning report from the United Kingdom condemns local police for turning a blind eye to an epidemic of child exploitation in the northern town of Rotherham.

Three Rivers

Flotilla of Garbage Chokes Three Gorges Reservoir

In the photos, it looks like an exposed landfill. In reality, it is the Three Gorges Dam Reservoir so choked with floating trash it is impassible to smaller boats.

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks' Apartment Robbed

Rose Parks' former apartment was raided for electrical components.


Three Chinese Kidnapped in Southern Turkey

The Chinese embassy in the the Turkish capital of Ankara confirmed today the disappearance of three Chinese nationals in the country.

Child painting

Study: More Parents Comfortable Outsourcing Parenthood

Modern-day parents feel they are ultimately protecting parenthood by handing over traditional caregiving to professionals.

Rebar surgery

Chinese Man Survives A Rebar Through His Head

Medical professions in Guangxi Provice had their work cut out for them when a man was brought to their hospital with a rebar impaled through his skull.


Ukraine Dismisses Parliament, Calls For Snap Vote

Even as Russian troops roll across the Ukrainian border, political gridlock and paranoia in Kiev prompted President Petro Poroshenko to dissolve the nation's Parliament and called for a new vote in October.


Shanghai to San Francisco In 100 Minutes...Underwater

Using an underwater supersonic process, Chinese scientists are one step closer to making a journey between eastern China and the western United States a lot faster.


Massive Marijuana Plantation Found In China

Using satellite imagery, Chinese law enforcement officials found the largest cannabis plantations in recent history.


Was James Foley Killed A Year Ago?

In the aftermath of the execution of James Foley at the hands of the Islamic State, also called ISIS, comes the claim that the American journalist was killed a year ago.

Hong Kong Flag

Hong Kong Electoral Reform Faces Grim Realities

Changes to how Hong Kong elects its leaders is underway both in Victoria and Beijing.

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