03/28/2025 12:36:55 pm

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Kristina Fernandez

Catalan Independence Referendum

Catalan Independence Referendum Presses Ahead Despite Spanish Court’s Suspension Ruling

The Catalan Government has decided Tuesday to push for the planned regional vote for independence from Spain on Nov. 9 despite the high court’s ruling suspending the movement.

Brittany Maynard with her dog, Charlie.

Vatican Condemns Brittany Maynard's Assisted Suicide As Undignified

A top Vatican bioethical official condemned Tuesday Brittany Maynard’s decision to end her own life, saying there is no dignity in assisted suicide and the act is in and of itself reprehensible.

Chinese Christians Swelling In Number As Orthodox Christianity Gets Left Behind

China, an officially atheist country that is converting into Christianity at a breakneck speed, is bound to become the world’s largest Christian country with about 250 million faithful by 2030, save for one group—the Orthodox Christians.

Dachau Concentration Camp

Dachau Concentration Camp Gate Bearing 'Arbeit Macht Frei' Slogan Stolen

Part of the iron-wrought gate bearing the infamous Nazi slogan 'Arbeit macht frei' was stolen from the former Dachau concentration camp, German police announced Sunday.

Dome of the Rock

Temple Mount Issue: Netanyahu Urges Calm, Restraint

Israel’s prime minister called for calm and restraint Sunday amid violent clashes between Israeli authorities and Palestinian protesters over the disputed Temple Mount, known as the Noble Sanctuary among Muslims, in Jerusalem.

ISIS in Kobani

Exodus of ISIS Foreign Fighters Continues Despite Airstrikes

About one thousand foreign fighters are believed to join the twin conflicts in Syria and Iraq every month amid continuous airstrikes and stricter measures preventing the migration of militants into the embattled regions, U.S. intelligence and the new United Nations report revealed earlier in the week.

Tor Logo

Facebook Partners With Tor To Allow Anonymous Site Access

Facebook announced Friday it has partnered with anonymity network Tor to allow a more private and secure way to connect to the social networking site without having to give away crucial identifying information.

Fanged Deer

Fanged Afghan Deer Believed Extinct Sighted After 60 Years

The Kashmir Musk Deer was last spotted in 1948.

Chelsea Handler Quits Instagram Over Banned Topless Photo Parodying Vladimir Putin’s

Chelsea Handler bid Instagram goodbye Friday following repeated attempts to post a completely topless photo that parodies the famous shot of bare-chested Russian President Vladimir Putin on horseback.

Iowa Senate Election 2014: Joni Ernst And The Tea Party Revival

Coming from behind and catapulting into political stardom in a matter of months, Joni Ernst, the Republican candidate for the Iowa Senate seat who is pitted against Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley, is now hailed as the harbinger of the Tea Party’s revival.

Jewish Settlement in West Bank

China Calls On Israel To Stop Constructing Settlement In West Bank

China sided with the United Nations Security Council's decision on Thursday to call on Israel to abandon its settlement activities in East Jerusalem and West Bank, insisting that this would end the protracted violent conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Ebola Vaccine

Secret Of Ebola Resistance Lies In the Genes – Scientists

Scientists have unlocked the secret to Ebola resistance and survival in a groundbreaking research released Thursday in the journal Science.

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom

Sweden Becomes First EU Member To Recognize Palestinian State, Israel Condemns Move

Sweden’s recognition of the Palestine statehood came Thursday, prompting an immediate condemnation from Israel and the withdrawal of its ambassador in Stockholm.

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu

John Kerry Condemns Anonymous ‘Chickens**t’ Slur On Netanyahu As Disgraceful

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the anonymous Obama administration official who was cited calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “chickenshit” Thursday, saying the characterization reflects neither his personal view nor the prevailing viewpoint at the White House.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

Walker Leads Wisconsin Gubernatorial Race In Latest, Last Poll

Republican Gov. Scott Walker overtakes Democrat challenger Mary Burke by seven points in the final poll released Wednesday as one of the tightest gubernatorial races head to its uncertain end.

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