03/08/2025 09:09:19 pm

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Rubi Valdez

World Bank Group

U.S. Opposes China's International Bank Proposal

China's initiative of building a dedicated to build a dedicated development bank in Asia might be close to fruition, but the United States government is keen of lobbying potential allies in the hopes of impeding the project.

KFC scare

Most Chinese Remain Skeptical About KFC In China

Chinese consumers are still skeptical about KFC products sold across China following an incident of improper food handling that sparked the biggest scandal in this chain of fast food restaurants.

North Korea and South Korea

Beijing News Criticizes North Korea Of Suspicious Foreign Policy Tactics

Despite North Korea supreme leader Kim Jong-un's visit to South Korea last October 4, Beijing News published an article warning the international community to be wary of NoKor's tactics. The report stated that Pyonyang's "flip flop attitude" is suspicious and China will be more appreciative if it shuts down its nuclear program.

China's economy

China Outdoing U.S. As World’s Top Economy Is False Alarm

Albeit the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) previous forecast of China leading in the global economy, a separate study shows that United States still remains at a higher spot.


Hezbollah To Israel: No More Carte Blanche For IDF In Lebanon

Hezbollah, the Shi'ite armed group, has broken months of silence against Israel by setting off an explosive device Tuesday that injured two Israeli soldiers.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden

Biden Backs Garcetti Plan To Boost Los Angeles Minimum Wage To $13.25 by 2017

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden joined Los Angeles lawmakers Tuesday on a roundtable discussion pushing for an increased minimum wage come 2017.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

IMF Lowers Global Economic Growth Forecast for 3rd Time This Year

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced Tuesday that the global economic growth has declined for the third time this year bearing more downside risks and uneven recovery compared to last spring.

North Korea

North Korea Defends ‘Prison Camps’ Human Rights Report to UN

North Korea defended its human rights policies in a rare briefing at the United Nations, after a February report resurfaced criticizing NoKor's "unspeakable atrocities." Foreign ministry official Choe Myong Nam clarified that their government is not running prison camps but detention facilities, where people are rehabilitated.

Same-sex couples rallying for equal rights to marry.

Federal Court Declares Gay Marriage Legal in Idaho, Nevada

Gay marriage is legal in Idaho and Nevada effective Tuesday following the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling to 30 other states.

Ebola Virus

Ebola is Killing Thomas Duncan's Neighbors in Liberia

The Ebola death toll is rising in Liberia, specifically in the neighborhood where Thomas Eric Duncan lived. Local health workers estimate 100 more suspected cases in Monrovia, which have ballooned since the first American case came in contact with an infected pregnant woman.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton

Tom Cotton Not Worried About Bill Clinton’s Support For Arkansas Senate Rival

Republican ace and possible Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton says he is not worried about former president Bill Clinton supporting opponent Senator Mark Pryor in the 2014 U.S. midterm elections.

Female Kurdish Soldiers

Kurdish Soldier Mom Launches Suicide Attack to Kill IS Fighter

Arin Mirkan, a female Kurdish soldier deliberately carried out a suicide bomb attack to stop Islamic State (IS) fighters in the besieged town of Kobane, Syria.

Occupy Central Hong Kong

Hong Kong Government Conducts Peace Talks To Pacify Occupy Central Tension

At the brink of the ultimatum, protesters from Hong Kong Federation of Students have agreed to settle matters in a peace talk conducted Monday morning.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang

World Bank Cuts China Growth Forecast, Explains Economic Slowdown Not A Weak Point

The World Bank forecasts Monday a slight decrease in China's overall economic growth by 7.4 percent (2014), 7.2 percent (2015), and 7.1 percent (2016) as the country is currently undergoing financial and structural reforms

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

Search for MH370 Update: High-Res Image Mapping of Southern Indian Ocean Underway

The next phase of the search for the ill-fated Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 has begun using a highly-advanced sonar mapping technology called GO Phoenix. The Australian government, in conjunction with Malaysian authorities, started sweeping Southern Indian Ocean near the so-called "seventh arc" in hopes to find debris of the plane.

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